Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Master alchemist.

You spend 10,000 hours doing something...
what does that make you?...
it makes you a Master.

and that thing you do...
becomes natural...
second nature...
and it practically does itself.
Because you taught your body...
and it does the work for you...
like driving...
and pockets are no big deal.
and zippers are no big deal.
and ... everything else is no big deal...
except that the cat wants to help...
and you don't have blue thread....
or any white fabric...
because you don't do this work anymore...
but someone needs a costume...
and it's not even you...
 (I totally finished fixing mine a long time ago)
and someone else grew 6 inches...
and needs an alteration/update on last years costume
.... but I just sewed a new one... cause easier, yo...

and so the craft...
is easy and I'm not trying to kill anything...
but I still don't want to...
so in an effort to defeat resistance...
I'm starting that script today.
Cause I want to, for reals... procrastination just likes to date me...
and book 5 will be done being edited tonight.

Mojo of the week...
   I am fully supported.

I have a picture of cash money as my background on my phone...
like bundles of $10,000 stacks. I would guess over $1million.
Because reminders that we are given abundance freely are awesome.
Reminders that we are loved.
Seen. Heard. Cared for. Remembered. And complete.
And money feels good to me.
It reminds me that I can have it whenever I want.
No matter what anyone else thinks.
It reminds me that I can trust it.
That I can use it and it will never run out.
Because it can't and it won't.
No matter what material it comes in... it's mine whenever I want.
It does grow on trees. It does fall from the sky.
It does appear like magic. And it does revolve around me.
It is whatever I say it is.
It is given freely and fully.
It is received fully.

So my question for you... my dear padawans...

What do you say it is?

If you don't like what you say.... say something different.


I want to tell you a story.

Of creation.
Of the time before words spoke out across the darkness.
Before those ripples cast themselves outward and procured matter.
Before time and before light.

When energy sat in silence.
When it was motionless...
like still waters... and all it does is reflect a perfect mirror.
and the dark reflected dark reflected dark reflected dark...
oh but you see...
something changed... something moved... something became conscious.
and a thought rang out.
a thought. and the energy moved.
the energy moved and different wavelengths echoed...
it began to change colors... lights in the darkness... lights in the darkness...
and the energy moved and when it moved the matter clung to it like a magnet.
and the matter appeared to come alive.
with all this energy moving within it the matter charged, like static...
and it clung to itself... like static... and formations began to birth.
different energy frequencies produced different types of formations...
different molecules, different bonds... different elements...
and these products produced other products...
and the part of the energy carried out the thought... the consciousness...
and it too flowed into matter... and it became alive.
Those creatures moved upon the unmoving....
oh but we are all moving... even the rocks beneath your feet...
they are just slower.... they are just slower....
like when light is slower...and it appears dark...
and we are all still a reflection of the original darkness...
see see see...
You can go faster or slower...
because you are the thought, the consciousness...
You can choose...
Because you hold a piece of that original thought..
Make your own rules, or none at all.
Make magic if you want.
Make yourself amazing if you want.
You always had the power.
You still do.
Own that shit.

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