Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy E - STIR

Oh yes,
the rare times I title a blog post before writing it....
stirring up those Energies... those inner g's
moving those E-motions.... those emotive ions...
this is real.
this is real...
I have proof.

THIS ^^^
is in my driveway.
you already know what it is...
I told you what it would be a short time ago....
and today... I brought it home.

How I would love to tell you these things...
how I would love to teach you.
All I can tell you is that you can do anything.
You can have anything.
You already are everything.
You already have everything.
You are complete.
Trust the Universe. Trust yourself.
It's simple...
--- Choose to.

I also dug up dandelions out of the front yard...
I got paid 50 cent each! I made over $20.
I also found a four leaf clover.... well....
not really... it came to me actually.
It was FOR me.
It gave itself to me....
because plants talk. In case you didn't know.

I talked about movies for 2 hours.
and watched a few videos.
I need to do my video challenge still
and will have to start on bowflex tomorrow.
and deep clean that gorgeous thing in my driveway.
need to work on Victory script tomorrow.
I have like tons of fillers the muse gave me...
cause she's cool like that and handles things like a boss!

gotta go do stuff, see you later peeps!
yeah, the marshmallow chicks and bunnies!
all squishy and bright, a sugary delight...kinda
.... no, not really.... April fools.... I don't actually like peeps all that much.

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