Monday, March 5, 2012

.......close your eyes...and sleep

Do not let anything keep you –
not anything —
from flinging out of that sagging comfort zone,
and right into the streets, eyes and mouth full of His wonder,
to pant it in the marketplace
the back alleys, the front fields,
across the crackling wires
that you have seen Him, yes — you have seen the light —
and with these very eyes,
and you hear it even now,
how the rocks cry out
and you cry too, this stammering it
into every willing ear
that you opened your eyes one day and ran right into all His glory
and He saves and He kisses wounds and He serenades
and Beauty has branded you,
marked you with awe
and awe is why you grab the pen, and Beauty is why you scratch it down,
and all His lighting glory is why you muzzle the voices that say
you can’t or shouldn’t or mustn’t,
because He is your blaze and He is your burn and and you cannot be muzzled because
what can keep you from telling once the eyes have seen?
Could there be anything greater than this,
the bearing witness
to the glory sighting?
Stand and give testimony.
Because this is the holy, blazing thing:
you cannot

No, I didn't write that, but I liked it, so I had to share. :P

anyway, I was going to sew up 2 bunnies so I can get one of my orders out the door...but now I just don't feel like it...I just want to take a shower and sit and think, lol....without falling asleep like I usually do when I actually have time to be still.

I keep writing stuff and deleting it, so I'm done for now, maybe I'll be more inspirational tomorrow...and I'll get those bunnies finished when the sun comes up and be able to get the measly 10 things on my '-It's Tuesday and you cannot procrastinate any longer to get these done!-' list completed.
I'm hatin' on those lists...yeesh.
Goodnight lovelies from under the sun.

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