Thursday, March 8, 2012

No idea how it got this long...

Not sure when I said it last, but let me remind you how much I hate sewing.
I hate sewing.
I hate sewing.
I hate spending the last 3 and a half hours cutting out cute little Tinkerbells and Peter Pans and doing all that crap to get them prepped and then sewing them on and then having to do their faces...argh. I HATE sewing!!!
So much for working by the hour, when I only charged $60 for this dress, which is nice and all if it only took less than 3 hours, but no, it did not! Damn it.
I could've been writing my book, which just so happens to be the 3rd most important thing in my entire existence...but NO, I have to sew which is so far the 5th on my 'this shit sucks' list....and I'm kicking myself for placing myself in this predicament.

So I'm a bit p.o.'d for losing 3 and a half hours of my life...not to mention the hours I will lose when I do the next orders I have lined up...*sigh.
I could be taking pictures, or writing, or even sitting on my ass and feel better than sewing another piece of shit applique.
I'm going to raise my prices again....and everyone can kiss my ass if they don;t like it.

Today I also took out the carpet that was in the living room....that was fun. And I didn't feel bad for spending 3 hours on it at all. Of course, now we'll need to lay down the other flooring probably on Sunday, but that's fun stuff, I like construction...and deconstruction.
The cats have been wigging out lately, not sure why, they are acting strange... solar flare or something, hell if I know.
Otherwise, the rest of the world is out to go against my plans, which is great, because I'd rather fight the world than join in it's ruthless conspiracy.

Let's move on to something better....
Let me tell you a secret.....
Is it so hard to understand...
Laying under the stars, moonlight reflecting off smiling eyes. Giggles at midnight, hands with fingers mingling one within another. The warmth of a close breath. Dancing under the nebulas and swimming between the green sea blades, a love that sings together and grins broad before each tender motion of soft lips. Falling away one with another deep into the threshold of unending radiance and fire. Twisting, turning, never parting. Flesh touching flesh, waves of brilliant joy, cradles of peace, comfort, hands that give everything to the other. Hearts...that become united by the grace of being and loving. .....There is no I and You unless love comes between us and then creates us....

Do you understand?
Is this so foreign to the world who refuses to see love as it is and forces it to be something it is is not a joke, like all other things you turn into riddles. It is not funny and harsh...or cold and greed, no betrayal either...No...
I find it sad that not everyone knows what it is. Or they think they have it and then what they do have is torn down by the trembles of greed or jealousy or rage and is what is left is a void full of ruins... a dream....and I do not ever wish to wake up.

Want to hear another secret?
I once did a 'You suck' post on facebook before about people who suck ass and why they suck....and I would really like to do that again one day soon, since the world is going to come to an end soon and I like to use it as an excuse to be utterly truthful even though people may think I'm joking. So I'll need to do that soon on here, since no one cares anyway.....but for tonight, since I'm feeling oh so ho-hum honest...I want to make a 'You are Awesome' list instead.....but I'm afraid I won;t be able to include everyone who I think is awesome, because ..1. I'm still a chicken to share everything, lol....2. I'm not sure why certain people are awesome yet and I need more observing time, lol. But let's start before I change my mind...

1. Jesus are awesome..because you like to screw with my head and make me go whacked out at random times in my life. And for the obvious reasons as well...and for bringing my dog back to me even though I think I was kinda rude when I demanded him back the day before. Thanks for that...and for hubby too...and the other numorous random things that only you and I know about....and even the other things I'm too chicken to share...yet.
2. My awesome family...cause they are cooler than everyone else. Namely my kiddos, cause they are awesome, and my hubby, cause he's awesome too...and I would include the rest of the family on my awesome list...but they are not number 2...only kids and hubby get this rank...sorrys. :)
3. Logan. You're my hero...and I love you....and even though most people have never met you, you will remain number 3 in my awesome list for quite some time, if not number 1 and 2 are my heroes as well.....but still...if anyone asks, you can say you are.
4. ....this is sad that I got distracted by the first 3 I have no idea who else to write about, lol. ....well shit. Or maybe it's bad because there's a lot of cool people, but awesome requires certain standards to be met and mainly is the part that they have to know me...and well...I don;t think anyone knows me besides numbers 1, 2, and 3....see how sad that is. I'm all alone otherwise.

Want to work on the 'You suck' list instead? ...though I don;t think I hate anyone today except for the people on those peta videos I know I shouldn't watch. They SUCK! (and need to die a fiery death over and over and over again and get skinned alive too...bastards)....
who else sucks? The person who decided it was okay to remake Full Metal Alchemist and totally changed Edwards personality into some jerk...that sucks!
People who make jokes like the post I wrote last week.
Realty companies who think a house that is so outdated your eyes burn from the horrible flooring and windows should cost $125000.
Dogs who chew on your house plants...namely one named Coraline who is going to have to have a re-learning session about how plants can scare the shit out of her if she ever touches them again!!! damn dog!!! some of them are poisonous stupid canine.

Want to have a quick run-down of the cool list...which means I like you and you may be adopted into my imaginary family or already are, or never will be, but you're still cool anywa :) ??? Sure you do...maybe I can get a longer list than the other 2, haha
Hugh Jackman, Vin Diesel, Heath Ledger, Mike Rowe, the guy from the Allstate commercials who plays Mayhem, the photographer guy I stalk because I think he's an angel or something, 9Nania, Ann Voskamp, the other youtube lady I watch..777somethingish, I don't remember, lol, Jodi, Judy, Steven, Tony, Steve Nelson, mom, don't know his name, but the guy who plays Gambit in the Wolverine movie...he plays in John Carter too I think? Ashitaka, Dante, Cutter, Strongbow, Batman, Link, Uncle Lee, Rachel, Wolverine, Alex, Renee, Anthony, Nicole, Tiffany, Doug...and the little ones that belong to them, all the pets, the guy I met in Walgreens once and he freaked me out, the nice lady who sang a song to my kids oneday, Nichiel, Mr. O'Malley, Richard, Heather, Trisha, Jennifer, Lara, Diane, Megamind, Lex Luther, Superman, Tristan, Xargon, Rune, Rain, Kabree, Sadie, Lukin, Anakin Skywalker, Magneto, and numerous other people make-believe or not that I'm too tired to think about..

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