Sunday, March 25, 2012

The strangeness of dreams....

Another GREAT opportunity that will pass me by...all because I still do not have my awesome camera.... :(
I'm gonna cry!!!!!!!!

so there's these people on youtube I watch occasionally....well, today one just described a dream or vision they had that was kinda like mine...., and it's not the first time, there's been a few similarities on some others...but really now...this is all getting dreams are supposed to freak me out, not yours. Yeesh!
I could probably add so much more stuff to my weirdness, but I often refrain from writing it down thinking 'I'll remember it'....and of course, that usually is never the case....I forget...and almost all the time and rather soon just after, I forget writing it down 'later' would not work either....gonna have to carry a freaking notebook and can around so I can actually write down the shit that pops in my head.

Anyway...I'm sad...cause I can'ts go do a tutor session with an awesome prof. photographer (and by professional, I mean... actually could charge $500 a session cause her pics are that freaking awesome!!...not some moron with a camera!) I'ms gonna go cry and whine....cause I needs $500 more dollars to buys me my camera...and a few weeks to learn to use it!

So anyway.....I'm gonna write more stuff down, so I don't forget..and share my creeping weirdness with my boring stupid blog, so its kinda like you get to know how fun it is to be me, and know how lucky you are to be you...sound good? :)
gonna go, I've got to go find something for dinners....and make some coffee...mmmmm :)

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