Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's a mad world

Well I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad.
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

You know what's mad.....mad as in insane, not mad as in angry...but I'm kinda that too.
Mad...that the fact that it wasn't so bad that I'm not the only one having dreams about waves and destruction....but ever more so mad that other peoples' are basically really freaking exact to mine.....
Not to mention some things I've heard...that others heard...and things just so happen to 'pop up' out of nowhere that really add to the whole....'this is kinda cool' vibe that is lingering around.
And I'm not talking about random things that kinda fit....I'm talking about blatant, omg, how the hell, wtf, shit...that just appears.
I am kinda enjoying it, as this mindfuck stuff is kinda exciting.....but I have that 'I totally know whats next' vibe in the back of my mind....and that is the part where we say..."We need to get out of here NOW!" running from the awesome stuff that is no longer so awesome.
Love it. love it. love it. And I can't freakin' wait!!
Yes, I am mad....and it is a beautiful thing! :)

Now, the other kinda in the fact that there are some idiots in the business world who just don't 'get it' and these idiots like to decide that even though you need said items by Thursday for use on Saturday...that it would be okay to give you said items Friday instead....asshole!
People just don;t freaking get it!! aRgh! I would expect this crap from a stupid woman who thinks she's all that, but this guy is just like them...he must be gay...hmmm....maybe...or a prick.
Can people not do their jobs!? idiots.

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