Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hickory smoked

"Judge them by their words..." was the theme of the day...since I watch these people on youtube...and that video of this one lady stuck out at I had it in my mind while driving at o'dark thirty out to Chatt. yesterday.
So on the radio station we were listening to, the dj's were all discussing about how they did a staff vote on who would either go to heaven or hell (mind you this was definitely NOT some chrsitian station, I don;t listen to those) but one of the ladies said she didn't like voting because she felt it was wrong...and of course the other 4 people kinda just disregardered that and teased her...
And the one lady was just trying to say she felt it was sad that one of the others laughed about the fact that they had gotten 11 to 1 votes for going to hell...and that she didn't think it was they all poked fun at her about that as well....
Including but not limited to that one of the others also decided to add in some god ol' "praise Jesus bellringing' as a way to mock the situation...

I turned the channel....
I'm sorry, I may not appear on the outside to be some frufru little happy always good dainty little 'I've never sinned' fakey so called christian....But, it makes me sick that people make one big joke about Him. Sad that they think it's all fun and games...even now. Sad to know that even many others who use that term 'believe' still can't recognize a mask when they see it.

Then there's the other side of this...the people who are truely His...and what do they do...
The lady explained what she could and did her best..really..surrounded by at least 4 wolves, she managed while on the air.
But other people who stand by and just silence themselves...even they are like little labs that go hide in the corner...or worse, they are like rebellious teenagers who fight off everything that 'seems' to go against themselves and judge it like they are gods...
Is it so hard to just stand? Speak the truth? Be unafraid?

So to start off the day that was the mockery and big let's make God a joke...followed by ...yes, you guessed it.....FEAR!
The 'let's go hide in the corner and protect ourselves from the big bad storm'
Take cover when you need to, but my oh my...I experienced about 500 doses of fear yesterday while we were out shopping....REALLY???!!! So much for faith......or even trust...courage? bravery? wonder I feel one else has sacrificed themselves and takes rest on Him....except the nice lady we met at wal-mart.

What does it mean to sacrifice yourself?...I'm glad you asked.
But this is a crash course in dying to live...try to keep up.
1. Let's start with the old fashioned way, but with cinnamon...and strawberries..yum... recognize you are a sinner and need forgiveness..yep, do that and while you are alone and not distracted, ask Jesus Christ just take all your crappy life away and tell Him to make what He wills of it. Cause you suck and you know it and certainly He can care for it better than you, cause He's cool and all and He really appreciates when you use your own words and not something you read on one of those gay ass pamphlets you find at the laundry mat.
2. So tell Him what a craptastic life you've had and some bits of info about the stuff you've really messed up and ask that He just takes it away and throws it into that fancy red lake He owns...along with everything else too...yep, even the stuff that may be good. Everything that is not something He wants you to keep. Everything!
3. After that....stay focused...since you are talking directly to the big guy and He's cool and all. Then ask that He remove every idea you ever had of Him...and God...and everything relating to such. Ask Him to take it away that which does not sustain. Say please and thank you.
4. Then...since you are sure to imagine talking to Him in some form....let that flow away too....the ideas that He is standing over there and you are sitting here...the ideas that He is up there or somewhere else and you have to reach Him...NO NO NO NO NO!!! Let those thoughts die! If you feel like you have to work to have Him hear you, then you are the problem....try asking Him to come closer, as you cannot go very far anyway...and even closer..and closer...and closer if you can handle it.
5. This is fun, yes? you're likely to start saying 'Dear Jesus' when you go and chat with Him as a start....wth? are you writing a letter? stop it! Say what feels right for you. There are no rules and guidelines you must follow...throw that shit idea out the window or have Him throw it in His fancy red lake. Saying Amen at the end is kinda the same what feel right, don't ever think you have to be like someone else or that you are any less special than His first born. And you'll most likely forget this and start doing it later....just remember when you start feeling got to keep burning the world away to be with Him....and that requires you to be rid of the ideas and thoughts that the world trains you up to believe.
6. If you still say that you believe Jesus Christ as the should really look inside yourself and ask Him to take away whatever it is that is keeping you from knowing that He is Lord....I do not like that 'believe' word. As it is based on 'thinking' it is aliens or santa clause....just because you 'believe' it, does not mean anything more than it is something that you carry in your own thoughts.... Now 'knowing' it is true...carries it from yourself and beyond and confirms it...not keeps it to yourself like just 'believing' does.
7. So you'll go for a walk....and you'll start picking up these pieces....and they'll be awfully beautiful, yes indeed they will....and perhaps oneday you'll start getting that frustration back and the thoughts of being not as close as you once were will come looming back and you'll think you're doing something wrong...well, you are again the problem.... those things you picked up, those ideas, those rules, those rituals, those chores, those burdens, those thoughts, those off handed need to relinquish them...drop them on the ground, throw them in the fire...remove them from your He requires you to just be you, not endowed with fornications you got from your church or jewels you found while seeing someone else fall to sin, thinking you would never do that!...but you sinned just by thinking you had done better than them...hypocrite. So you have to let the world fall away once more...and even yourself. And your ideas...and even can never get to see Him as He is if you put your own vision of him before your eyes. Just sayin'
8. Just remember...nothing is required of you, you can choose to do nothing, to be nothing. Eventually, you may still know that, but inside you ...something eventually, you'll see that that it is Him that is screaming inside of you to do something...and you'll 'want' to....because it is you too who 'wants' to....and you can still choose not to, but it'll bring no joy....'cause we all like to do what we want'
9. oh, so then ...let's recognize the assholes who like to make fun or discourse...especially the people with masks! Yep, they are everywhere, omg! Especially the ones who act so happy all the time and nothings ever wrong and they like to say things using 'key words' much more than other people...(we'll discuss those later when I'm ready to get burned at the stake again) stay away from them please. They will constantly try to lead you astray, they will talk bunches about Him like He is a mighty ruler, but speak nothing of like how He is a Father...just be aware..please. They are not your brother or sisters...they are pawns of the bad guys who've been taught to prey upon the sheep. You can try to make them see, but only He can do that...and then they will see you are a sheep and will hound after you because you are not of aware...they will persecute you, and not just in ways you are familiar with....
10. If you get in a rut that really sucks...again burn the world away and have Him take it all away again....cause sometimes even when you don't pick up stuff on your walk, things stick to you like those little seed pods when you walk through the forest...pick them off and toss them aside...then just ask the big guy to handle this crap for you cause you suck at it. say thank you. ...
.then get ready for a'll be great once its finished...You know how when its cooking it smells so good, but it sucks that it is not ready to eat yet....yeah, thats how the bar-b-que is...roasty toasty...and no fun till supper time. ;)
Lol....There's like 747 helpful hints I could post...but why, tis funner to discover them for yourself.

You're surrounded by wolves, scattered by the goats, and set apart from the Shepherd. You cannot hear His bell if you wail out to those beside you. Quiet yourselves and listen, for He is near and He will gather you up if you come close. He will guard you and carry you into the barn, safe from the approaching storm. Listen little children. His footsteps are quick and He carries a staff. Standing tall upon the hills. Go to Him and rest assured that He will guide you home.
The sun is setting and the paws of the enemy race to surround you. Horns prod and poke you further away and tempt you to be lost. Keep your eye on him and evade those who wish you to turn away. Standing in the sunset...leading you to the light...listen and watch and follow....there is no time to delay when the eyes of the hunters can be seen from the shadows.....

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