Monday, June 10, 2019

Good ~ mourning ~ America.

She's a funny one.
This daughter of Mars...

oh, but you see...
she didn't mean literately..
she's certainly has dealings with wars though

"What war?" I would ask soul.
and they would look out over the waters...
"The war with self." They would say.
... all this time spent walking in this kingdom...and still a war brews...
"We are all at war. With thoughts that pour in from the skies.
With energies that never intend to serve our cause." Soul replies.
    and mind wants to ask question after question...
   but soul is already prepared...
and sends images... and visions... and understanding.

If placing those forms into meaningless words could help you...
I would still do it... but even I understand, that they will fail...
they will fall so short...
and those who've learned to read might understand...
but understanding does you no good...
it will never help you...
understanding is only a base foundation... but it can never carry you
it can never bring you higher... further... deeper...
if I mentioned a faraday cage... would that suffice?
but not made with mechanical matter and fancy tech...
oh, no... I mean yours... the one you carry with you...

The anchor for your thoughts...
your own thoughts...
and not that of outside thieves and slave makers...

If I poured out even half of what the truth is... you would drown...
but... I am not your savior...
and I'm okay with watching you perish...

this morning I sat in a waiting room...
and the television was on...
and the program was running...
you know the one... Good Morning America...
and I think the Doctors or something came on after that...
and every single commercial...
was something to remind you of how bad it could get...
of how you are still lacking and imperfect...
of how sick people are and how medicine is your friend...
of how it should be entertaining to listen to the dross that spews from
the mouths of the hosts... about a tampon, no less... about all that they said
and every now and then I would glance over... and their audience was rapt...
because they must find out why this was so important...
but it never was, it never could be...
and the sheeple laughed... at nothing.
The others in the waiting room...
all on their devices... minus the infant, minus the older guy with the lady that
got berated by another guy in the room...
but she didn't do anything... it wasn't her phone clicking he complained about...
it was the a/c unit just outside the window...
and then her husband or whatever made passive-aggressive comments the rest of the time
and this human species...
I see how much more time you need...
how much we all need...
How can Christ enter in through a closed door?
...and you're not even home...
*faceplants on desk

I dare you to free yourself.
I dare you to rebel against all that they feed you...
I dare you to take one step in service to your soul.

If I were the scourge that devoured the earth...
I would not spare anyone.
Except those with the light... those whom are home.

I dare you to come home to yourself.
I fucking dare you to embrace your beautiful. Your ugly.
Your savagery, your humbleness, your peace, your chaos, your desires, your love
your all of every part of everything about you...
your darkness, your beautiful beautiful glorious darkness..
and your light, the graceful amazing awe-some trembling fire light.

Which part of yourself do you hate?
If I can love that part of you, certainly you can enter your house and love it too.
Which part of the world do you hate?
If I can love that part of you.... certainly you can face it too...

I dare you... to not take one more step serving a false god.
I dare you... to serve yourself.
... then God will be home.
... and Heaven will rise.

I love you...
I want you to love yourself too.
Free yourself.
Free yourself.
Free yourself.


maybe 2 hours of sleep and I still managed out a blog post.
it's only 1pm O_O
and I've had enough of this planet this morning
I've had my feel of people, and of significant others.
And I'm going to plan to run away soon

maybe the beach
maybe the forest

and although I'm going ghost on facebook...
(which for you old people... that means disappearing without telling anyone)
(or for more relatable means... Danny Phantom, totally)
except now I told you and you know...

I'll be here, albeit a bit silent
...or in this case, writing a bit too much...
and I'm waiting for you to do something for yourself...
without fear
without all your fucking 'yeah, but's.
without knowing HOW
without anything...
and I want to see your soul
and I want you to see them too....................................................................

peace out, chinchillas of morning yoga sessions and jalepino salsa chips.
drink you caffinated orange peach face fuzz and brush it away ...
because according to Good Morning America...and all of those 'programs'
you will NEVER be good enough.

What about your masters, do you hate?
          read that again....

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