Friday, July 12, 2019

car...doughnut...a really hot dragon guy with wings...

here, let's just search for camaros...
for art research, yo...
but if I just happen to manifest one...
don't hate me... although a sports car everyone desires is also something I desire, I'm not really a sports car kinda person... I like to run people over...and I already have what I want, lol!
this energy really does whatever it wants...usually when I splurt off something mindlessly...
like what if a classic shiny older model camaro (or mustang, or shelby, or anything sporty with a foreign name) just showed up in my driveway...
and it could happen...mainly because I said something similar...
or I could also say that loads of unexpected monetary funds arrive every month.
...I did manifest my house because of mindless and borderline rude comment...
...and maybe my mind and words will stop manifesting things, like all the tiny little rinky-dinks in the past week I mentioned and 'poof' there it is...  or at the very least mirrored and mentioned by others.
(it IS fascinating for sure though!)

it's 2am-ish...
all I can think about other than the youtube vid I'm listening to...
is book 6
book 6 characters
book 6 events and happenings and feelings and all the other things...
and I'm trying to find a way to NOT make my MC's sister a bad person...
...and I've only thought of one way... which won't come onto the scene until the end of the book ....which in turn will be proof of a book 7...
(and when is this going to end???!!)
I guess making my characters practically immortal, wasn't in my best interests...
they are not even vampires! doh!

so bed and sleep....
or with a more truthful aspect... book 6 viewing...
(yes, I watch it... it's a long ass television drama... with numerous reruns)

later peeps

you know what I like...
that jamaican rap music... with the accent and shit...
and krispie creme doughnuts.. wouldn't something exactly like that be great to stop in for a visit. ;)

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