Thursday, July 11, 2019

We have... lift off

That moment when you slip into a higher gear...
and everything flows effortlessly...
and the engines run quiet, and it's like flying..


so there's that Humpty Dumpty story...
and I recently revisited it...
and told the story to 3 people in the last 3 days, lol...
and even having already known the story for a long time...
it found a nice little corner to fit into a complex puzzle I was recently working on...
which was a very important piece, btw.

in literal terms....
the story of Humpty Dumpty is the same words...
but the images are far different than what you may have ever seen...
and besides the person I heard this version from, I've never found it again...
so that is the version...although there's more to it... and unless you follow the rest of his video's, some of that may be obscured for you... I think he has another one that adds to it somewhere... but I didn't look for it
basically...Humpty Dumpty is two (2 different people, 2 parts of yourself, 2 versions, 2 choices, all duality, all division)
Humpty fell on one side of the wall
Dumpty fell on the other
all the king's horses, and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty and Dumpty together again
So Humpty thinks his whole side is the truth...
Dumpty thinks her whole side is the truth...
and they are both against each other because neither has the perspective of the other.
YOU have the perspective of both. And YOU can see that each one is caught in the trap of a lower perspective which dictates the only 'truth' they can see from where they are.
but you see... YOU have the higher perspective. YOU can see the greater truth from where you are, which is above the wall, above the story.
When you declare a truth for yourself, or for someone else... are you looking at it from your perspective of duality? (in other words, are you seeing from Humpty's view? or Dumpty's view?)
Or, are you looking at something from a higher viewpoint. One that is above duality and division?
Are you moving through life as one who is for or against something? or one who moves as if all are welcomed?
Are you in duality? Are you in division with yourself?
Is there something you're against?
All resistance is against yourself. Any division is the dividing of yourself...
YOU are BOTH Humpty AND Dumpty.

~ ~ ~ "Whatever it is that divides the world between you." ~ ~ ~
you know... I got those words when I asked the boss man what the heck I was supposed to 'do' or 'work on' or whatnot...with my life...
it was one of the only parables (besides the crow one) that didn't immediately fall into place
I often kept thinking the point had something to do with separating shit, like that wheat from tares, or the good from bad..or all that crap.... but no...
It was to pay attention to the thing that divided one from the other...
and that wall... although it at times was a tedious climb...
brings you to a higher perspective...
(I lie... I didn't climb it, I got a ride to the top)
but yeah... once you see... the view from up here... you can't really integrate back to the ground very well.... if at all... and all truth is relative to perspective and location...
and all in all.... nothing is true...
because everything is true...
and the neutral point... is knowing that neither exists...


so the puzzle piece.... the cornerstone, if you will
  (see what I did there)
is that whole story of Humpty Dumpty, brought into focus as I pieced together something I've been giving my attention to.
and if I told you I worked hard on things and strived to get this or learn that.... I'd be lying.
I give my attention and I already knew the answers would arrive on their own...
I just have to listen and be present and wait...
and from the visitation of a memory, the sharing of that story... 3 times, yo...
it solved a huge important part of me.
and if you can say that over here is this and over there is that... you would forget that you stand between them... you are the one separating them, you are the wall....
but oooohhhhh....
take a look at that handful of shit over 'here'.... and get bombarded with all of google about how you should look for the answers over 'there' ...but NO no NO no NO
the truth is inside of you...
you don't need to balance on top of this wall... and mix a little of 'this' to neutralize 'that'...
you don't need to 'do' any fucking thing...
rise up and see...
you are all you need...
and all you need is to know that all sides are not truth... but you are truth...right now.

and even though I already know for a fact that this matter I'm paying attention to will be completely resolved in a time sooner than I'm brave enough to admit....
and even though I'm hyper-aware of a huge outpouring of miracles approaching....
and even though my Mind has not yet come to terms or even fully understands the huge implications that having this corner piece entails...
I am slightly terrified and excited...
Finding that perfect balance point atop this wall... the barzakh between excite and terror...
even that is not needed... only awareness... the knowing that both of those are only sides
you are ALL


I have a coach that I declared something to a few months back....
and I remembered what I had said today...
and I'm not sure why the universe plays these games with me and humors my whims far more than my grander egoic desires... but it is almost obvious that what I had said will be manifested right on schedule...
and my Mind is having a fit, thinking I should stop throwing out random fancies on a whim and actually take time to declare something more huge and amazing ... but...
Universe serves Soul...and Soul and heart doesn't know ego, nor time, nor whether or not it's 'important' or not.
Universe delivers regardless... if I click 'buy it now'... universe doesn't ask if I mean it, lol.


 eh, it's late...
and there's things I need to get lined up...
which I should have time to do...but I'm not sure where it keeps going...
besides those times I sleep in and meditate..
I did get things done today...little things... and watched a movie...
and tomorrow me and the youngest are going to pick up a slushie...
(at the only gas station that has the Dr. Pepper slushie flavor!)
(I do wish someone had root beer kind)
(do they make slushie machines?)
(shaved ice machines make great christmas presents....wait... shaved ice machines make great 'Christmas in July' presents.)
it is time to go to the beach yet?

oh... I adopted a new pet today. His name is Sebastian.

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