Friday, July 26, 2019

Keep both hands open... (day 3)

There's a thing to be said for the word 'unconditional'.

It's one of those words that elicits that you have conditions on things...
and that having those conditions, even if they are unseen...
means you'd need to surrender something...
perhaps your wants, your needs, your name a few...

This is Day 3...
and while I'm enjoying this uplifting and strangely new paradigm...
it isn't without it's own lessons.
Like conditions.
So it is apparent that when you are making room for abundance...
that all that open space gets filled...
sometimes with things that didn't quite meet your expectations...
or your needs...
or your wants...
sometimes it's filled with things from left field.

I guess you can't dictate which water molecules flow through your fucking bucket...
especially when it sits at the bottom of the sea...
or if a lobster crawls inside it...

But this is a lesson in unconditional...
because love is unconditional...
even if you can't quite understand why it is that it must give you 'this' or 'that' type of abundance...
doesn't mean it isn't serving you the best it can.
The universe is on your side...
even if you have to facepalm and take a deep breath.

because now we have a gecko
....and already having too many pets...including a mouse that needs rehomed...
the universal abundance must like to play these games...
to test me to see if I'm ready for the really good stuff it is shipping my way...
so if we end up with another teenager too...
and if all the things, all the things... are anything but, what you dictate...
I'm going to stay true... I'm not afraid of the possibilities

So yeah... give me all the fucking things.
Alyssia the gecko is just the precurser to all the awesome things...
cause the pendulum... and the pendulum HAS to swing the other way eventually.
so I will take the opposite pole, just so I can get the other one too.
I'm stubborn that way...
and probably more fearless than what's good for me...

"Everything is taken care of."


which also goes to show that holding a space for peace...also creates peaceful flow...
because it's possible that other things will completely work out our favor

and there's times when ideas pop up and Mind tries to smooth them out...
but Soul knows that if you have to smooth it's not long before they are crumpled again
ideas from the past...
and god, I wish they would stop being picked up by Mind.
Please stop... I'm not going that way...
and while I restate that firmly... Mind hasn't quite grasped it yet.

There's also times Mind picks up things I 'should' do...
and although Mind has nothing but good intentions...
I'm not going that way...

and the fact that 'I'm not going that way' feels good.... is the reason I'm not going that way.

I know Mind is bored
I know Mind is supremely bored... as she used to run the show before...
but now Soul does... and Soul knows no rush, or demands, and especially not any of the 'shoulds'
"Everything is taken care of." She will consistantly tell Mind...
And Mind relaxes and darts off to feel the sunshine...

I admire Soul's patience and regard for Mind's wellbeing...
Never a competition,
only love... without conditions

 "If you want to travel the Way of Buddhas and Zen masters, then expect nothing, seek nothing, and grasp nothing."
~ Dōgen Zenji 1200 - 1253

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