Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Eternity in an hour... (day-1)

The Law of Polarity:
~~         "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything
      has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same;
      opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
      extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes
      may be reconciled."--The Kybalion.       ~~
(for your reference:

the pendulum swings...
and it can only swing as far to the left as to the right...
so while you aim to get the pendulum to swing 50 degrees to the right...
but it can only go as far as what you allow it to swing to the left...
THAT is the place in which your blockage lies...
that place to where you limit one side or the other...
which in turn limits them both...

If the right side is the perception of good... (the abundance, the love, the joy, the peace, etc)
and the left side is the perception of bad... (the guilt, the judgement, the fear, the pain, etc)

what happens when you limit how much judgement you allow upon yourself?
the equivalent will also be limited on the opposite pole.
limit your fear and you're also going to limit something good...

they say that it's all opposite, like love and hate..
like good and evil, like poverty and wealth...
if the universe were 2 dimensional....this would certainly be the case...
the pendulum would only swing left and right in the same exact motion every time...

oh, but dear one... the universe is not 2 dimensional, now is it?
a swing this way sometimes swings awkwardly in the other direction...
sometimes the pendulum twirls... because the string is twisted...
sometimes it rotates and you feel all chaotic...

but it only moves in equivalence to the distance from the center...
so if you want wealth... it's not enough to accept being in poverty...
if you want love or peace, it's not enough to accept hate and chaos...
the higher degree you want in anything....
the higher degree you need to accept from anything else...

so I dare you...
to accept all the pain.
all the fear
all the guilt, or regret, or judgement, or blame, or whatever you can think of
go to town on that shit and display it for all to see....
look at all the beautiful glorious chaos that is you...
own it... you are it's god...

and may the fruits of the heavens be served to you on the golden platter...
because finally, it could find you...

and the pendulum that's allowed to swing out 90 degrees....
will swing out 90 degrees in the opposite direction....
reap the rewards...even though they are not rewards...
they are your inheritance...
and you already own that shit too...
you just gotta let it come to you.
allow it
accept it
all of it...

I want all of it.
Every fucking piece of all that is.

funny thing.... I wrote all that, but I know you want to read more personal stories...
as if I didn't just spend my quarter-hour explaining that away in actual words...
which in turn belittles the grandness of it all...
words are so small...

been listening to Abraham Hicks lately...
and I used to not be able to listen to any of that before...
but I think I've seen 95% of whatever they have on youtube by now...
anyway.... yeah... I was again realigned... (with the vortex, lol! (I hate labels!))
and I'm judging myself about the way I write...
and I don't fucking care...
because the pendulum....
and I found something...
because now that I'm on the opposite pole...
and my attention and energy are completely aligned to where I am now at...
I can see the other side as if it were in ruins...
fuck that shit.. I've got miracles over here.
I've got miracles everywhere

I thought about rambling to give you more content...
but I'm judging myself for that too...
because you may or may not understand.
and who reads this anyway?
...ok....who reads it all the way through, is the real question...?
unless I'm spilling drama or secrets, or something completely useless...
there is no way this appeals to anyone...
but I am judging this... and myself... and you...
and I'm sorry for that. ..but not really...
I'll think better thoughts then....ok.... nicer thoughts...

or not


fuck that...
I will not.
I'll do as I please

I painted stuff today... didn't enjoy one bit of it
the paints did not like the material at all...
and just blah! I wanted them done though...
and so they got done...
apparently I am disciplined and responsible..
still have more to do...
other art projects...

have not started on stairway yet...
later maybe... like in a week or so...
or whenever I really feel like it

oh, I'm starting a count...
and today would be the official DAY-1
day 1 of being in this shift...
and I want to see how it plays out...
and truthfully, how long it takes to mirror into reality.

the speed of light is 670,616,629 mph
matter condenses at the rate of however much energy you give to it
so if you give focused attention to a selected lifestyle/thing/goal/whatevs...
and energy waves must travel from electromagnetic frequencies to physical particles...
to actually see the physical outcome of a certain thought/emotion/vortex position...
it would take approximately sometime between....
 3 days to 9 months...give or take.
this gives estimated room for dimensional equivalents and aspect ratios of degrees
(in other words... a 3 point turn, or a 12 point turn)
(3 days to rise again, or 9 months to give birth...for you earthly thinkers) 
or anywhere in between... these are just numbers... and numbers do not rule the universe.

I'm just fucking with you.
I have no idea what I was saying, but I did look up the correct speed of light 
but really though...I'm often right even when I'm bullshitting.
it's fun how the universe works to agree with me.

So anyway... DAY-1  !!!!!!
 and I can't guarantee I will remember I'm even doing this count O_O

I'm not sure I can relate to groups anymore... :(
I feel like I'm in a whole different universe than them
while sometimes people are in sync....most other times they are not.
I love and hate people, but I do not want to help them...
however if they were right in front of me, I would.
I want to share perceptions and ideas, but I do not want to adopt any.
however, if I like them, I would.
I want to be open and honest and real and authentic, but not in that way...
however I'm tired of getting feedback on something....
that really isn't at all what I was talking about... 
take it or leave it, I do not care.... but don't explain something to me that I wrote myself...
I understand it my way and I like it that way. Even if it's perceived wrong...
(I know that! I still will substitute my reality for yours every fucking day. I'm stubborn like that)
You can take it and change it and whatever, but don't tell me what my words are 'supposed' to mean.
My eyes glaze over and my hands slips into a gauntlet with 5 infinity stones on it...
I am unavailable for solicitations, thank you.

ok...fur reals...
I'm gonna go do a card reading (for fun!)
and go to sleeeeeeeep

bless you if you bothered reading this mess of a blog post


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