Tuesday, July 16, 2019

no separation

You're never far away from that which you are seeking

Seven degrees.
Or so they say...
I guess that depends if you are able to do a 3-point turn, or a 5
or those lovely people who take at least 12 or more...

7 degrees of separation...
perhaps only 1...
because how can you tell how many steps it takes...
unless you know where you are...
and do you really know where you are?
can you ever?
Sure. it may look like your multiple steps away...
but sometimes, when things line up...it only takes one well placed foot.
Sometimes stars look far away too...
but if you wanted to meet a star... never forget the one that shines for you daily
it's all perspective...
and perspective is relative to position...
but do you know where you are?
what are you basing your position on?
and these things always move..
the universe is always in motion..
and so are you...
so is energy...
your energy, other's energy... all of it moves...


what are you focusing on?
what do you want?
do you think those things are far away?
if so....change your perspective...
until what you seek and where you are, meet.

when mercury goes retrograde...
does it really? - No, it does not ever cease or reverse it's course... not even once.
when the sun swallows Jupiter... does it really?
No... it does not ever eat the Jovial god of Lightning and Thunder...
it's only your perspective that makes it appear so...
and your perspective...and beliefs about such, and thoughts about such, and feelings about such dictate everything that comes into or leaves your life...
fear mercury retrograde if you want... believe it affects you and it will...
see it as it is (and write blog posts about it)...and it will be just as it is...


Time shifts and dimension jumping...
my bags are packed...
and I'm leaving you.
changing perspectives...
in and out of body... because both have that ability
and even if it sometimes takes over 7 hours...to change the body's perspective
not even 1 degree separates me from myself...or my desires...or anything which
comes into my awareness...
that goes for all of us...

who and what are you sitting with?
you're riding in the same car as them...
be aware of what travels with you...
I've packed security and support, along with bags of inspiration...
My suitcase is full of patience and allowing and high vibe tokens
There's assurance, and peace, and love, and magic...

What are you traveling with?

I realize that a recent post on facebook reflects this same sentiment...
(it's in a group, yo. I don't share hardly anything on my profile wall)
and a friend commented that how not having a bigger picture plan or major life goal...in turn opens up the power of receiving ANY possibility
and whatever degree of separation you think is there....
dictates and reflects in reality the appearance and perspective of it being...
"over there"

It's always "here" friends...
you contain it already...
your perspective is just looking at it from a distance...
but you are the SPACE that holds it...

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