Monday, August 19, 2019

mediation....meditation....and medium rare

Again...a bright idea to come and throw up all over this blank page...
gets lost into the void of...'something I totally can't recall at the moment, but certainly will after I click publish.'

I talked with a great master yesterday...was it yesterday?
but all those words of wisdom have yet to be downloaded into the memory banks
it was good, I promise
he re-aligned my already knowing into actually 'knowing and remembering!'
took care of that today, at least what I steps arriving any day now
he also said I could come back any time, with any questions...
I'm wondering if he realizes how much I might take up that offer...
he must not have chatted with my very good friend, lol


updates on this slow reality world...

-- fixed sander....will do walls maybe tomorrow
-- made some stuff....will make more maybe tomorrow
-- finished reading book 5... and book 6 needs to happen!
    Hello, first me, yo!
-- background for the aquarium is sketched, will do that maybe later in the week
-- aquarium is filled and flowing.... now we wait
-- and stuff

_________________________ 26...
and called to work deeper into meditation
no, not the 'ohm', sit under the tree stuff...
although that could be fun if the trees didn't talk so loud
but Soul is expanding and embodiment is the name of the game recently
Where the barzahk that separates the aether from the world.... is null and void...
when Soul moves into both even more so...
and stays seated on her her temple.
and the ALL surrounds her
the aether obeys and pours out into the world...
manifestation at it's finest...
and Soul, creating endlessly, like the God she is.


I dare you. to. become. who. you. truly. are.
Surrender to your inner god.




words fail me...
later maybe

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