Sunday, November 3, 2019

50% is enough to see... 51% however...makes it move.


I'm going to refrain from analogies today...
okay wait... I'm going to 'try' to refrain from using analogies today.

There's so much happening right now...
aether world speaking...
which in turn also reflects into 3d world speaking too...
and I had the strangest dream...

I think I was shown something... that I caught, but I don't know what I have.
but it's been repeating all I know it's something.
something direly important... maybe I'll really grasp this whole thing and be able to tell you about it soon

and I've really attained the truth that most of the visual imagery that intervenes into my third eye views really mean way more than I've been assuming... and I will most likely be paying more attention. I will certainly try anyway.
Deciphering is easy enough....but not overlooking them (because there's A LOT, yo) is my task of the rest of my life.

about that...
Roy Mustang.
(hence you'd only get this reference if you actually read all these blog posts and not just the ones I post a link to on facebook) (and I probably won't post this one either...soooo)
about that...
this course I'm in started today and now I'm like looking at all this stuff...and realizing it was showing/giving me all this obvious shit the whole damn time...
maybe this post is about being distracted and not believing all the woolly boolly aether hoopla that pervades my entire existence on an hourly basis every day of my life, except those times I'm just not having it.
you know......Mustang lighting up some humunculus with the snap of his fingers and fire and flames roasting the entire room like the badass he is... keeps replaying on the vision screen...
and I'm like...yeah, he's cool...
but due to the epiphany that landed the other day...
that would make me the wouldn't it
and I've fucking stumbled over this link and my stupid ass brain is trying to figure out where it went wrong, lol. How did it miss this?
until it realizes it always knew....but didn't believe itself and fell for the ignorant ruse of 3d world retardation. Yes, retardation, as in SLOW AS FUCK.
You people feel free to keep it, this whole slow land of all your shit you keep grasping for..
I'm outta here.

so whilst I take this course from my real world 3d land coach....
I'm going to take a course in actual world aether land from my other coach(es)
they will work together....
to build and to destroy... and conquer
on both sides
and it will be glorious



not even full attention...
and these water droplets led me up here...
it's like a whirlwind...
this spinning vortex.. tornado... hurricane...
but without the destruction... it's... construction
something surrounding the whole of who you are...
but it too is all of you...
and I'm wondering what full attention would create... what it could create...
and all these pieces swirling around... ready to be assembled and delivered.
This is like IKEA... but you customize it... and then to build just choose the parts...
and they piece together themselves...
and hand delivered... straight to you

not even full attention...
and even as a video plays in the background... and even while writing here...
and even when the video pauses to load more (because wi-fi is lacking in this room)
this place is here and now...
and I see it moving round and round about this space...

what would full attention create?
would it be like meditating..? all good...
but this is now
and what would now give to the now...


Despite all circumstances and conditions...
fuck the word 'reasonable'

I will not be reasoned with.

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