Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lesson 2 - stop the resistance

The seat.
The core centrifuge of soul.

and what holds you apart from it...
Ohm. The unit of resistance...
and there are so few...yet so many.

"Wanting is too heavy a burden."

not the wants... not the outcomes or desires...
only the act, the action of wanting...
depart from it and settle into your core

it feels like a release... and a clearing
and silence...
yet not

calm is not the word
centered is not quite accurate
after much waiting ... there is not a word that can be ascribed to such a place
nor a feeling
nor a thought
this is silence.
where there is still all things dancing about
but a space of infinity and eternity in the midst of the whirlwind
the seat
a breadth between motion and unmotion


the blackness cracked and began flaking off as the wind carried the pieces away
underneath revealed pure white clothing, yet I was not amused nor surprised...
I already knew this in a sense of perspective
Thoth stood beside me, overlooking a vast distance with a star on the horizon
The flakes carried away like ashes...was it more black or white now, I settled on gray

"Do you know who you are?" He asked.
and I stared over the land before us, watching the star cast a miraculous display of light and shadow over the land textures.... beauty...
"I do not." 

but I knew it was more than I knew
and I knew I would fail to be surprised when I found out
because I already know
and again... words can not reach this place
nor be ascribed to such
they are not here
only peace... the only piece... and one thing does not need definition, when it is the only thing
it IS

this vibration
we are and all that is that


my intentions began as some sort of Law of Attraction practice...
because it works and there are things I want
and I've already attained much of those desires and put many in place for later
this garden I'm growing...
but I found myself caught up by the aether spirits and summoned forth by
not only the Universal prime Source...
but Thoth has been finding his way to me, on his own accord
this star traveler whom I share a unified coding with...

I wonder sometimes if the things I've been tuning to are forthcoming...
how long they will take
if they will be similar to the specs I've provided...
or if my sporadic wavering has delayed such precise manifestations
and now...
I've let myself sink into this core...
but it IS the path of least resistance.... and something fell...
well... I fell
and even if I can't quite grasp a meaning or a word for this diamond point space...
I dare not move away from it just yet
there's not much left of me here....
and I'm satisfied with that... let it all fall away and flake off
there is no fear here

at times I laugh in annoyance with myself for looking at these measly
desires I've put on order...
small, far too little, dinky things they are....
not to judge, but they are not grandeous or large or in any way impossible...
not that anything is....
at other times... I feel like I'm too impatient and just would like the end result to come on already
... I know this process... and even if the actualized revealing of it is pretty exciting for a time...
it's not the end all... nor everlasting... there's always more coming
a growing, an expanding
and these small 'wins' some like to call them...
so little compared to the ALL
so little compared to what I've already known in other other vibrations
bigger is not always better... and this life may be a contrast to such...
and there are things I've come to know and appreciate beyond all other things...
thankful for such exposure to the shadow
and the light, as glorious as it may be
would be nothing without the night

so, I will still become the receiver of the small desires
I will still allow myself permission to have dinky 'wins'
and if the outer appears far too little...
the contrast is that the inner is far too large...
and I am grateful to have both
and stand in the midst

live without fear children
be wreckless
be bold
be brave
be courageous
be humble
be proud
and know you belong to yourself...
so when you fall away from all that is
you shall catch yourself



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