Monday, November 25, 2019

Lesson 3 - really dig into it

maybe not the stand barefooted in the grass stuff
not even the hold onto a metal rod that jolts from the earth

something more in line with sitting yourself smack dab
in the apex of your vortextual throne and anchoring yourself there
and allowing the energies... all of them...
to move and move and move like a current without hesitation

because when you think thoughts, some are chaotic...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they anchor and get swallowed up and through...
and they are processed and silenced.

when you feel emotions, some are confusing...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they too get swallowed up and chewed and transferred through...
processed and silenced.

even the vibrations of certain things...
those too suffer transmutation at the cost of your own divine light
and all it takes is focus...
and maybe not even for you
(I'm just referring to me, cause living here has never been my norm)
and you probably will feel your body too...
also something I am unfamiliar with..
I hear it all the time, but dang, feeling your leg is just  a weird thing *shrugs

enough of that
grounding..... there' still more on this that has yet to lead to fruition


aether stuff... mostly subconscious, as I can't seem to recall what happened last time
I say last time... although those things are looking like they will blend together soon...
the dimensions... 
I'm wondering if the ufo's will show back up... (oy vey!)
something that both still intrigues me and ....ugh... I guess it might be cool again...
I have a phone now, so maybe I will have a camera on hand next time!
and maybe the other things will show up...
like in real 3d world stuff....

which is fine, cause I've got a whole load of cool things lined up to get delivered my way
straight from the aether to my hands
a time when my immaculate imagination and visualizing skills come as a huge asset and pay off
literately, and figuratively.

I would hope the go big or go home version would show up in my confidence,
it must be on the way, cause I've only just ordered 1/100 of all my toppity toppest cool things...
I will bring that into my attention and work out those kinks, lol
we are no longer available for kinda sorta or close enough around here!

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