Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Step 3 ... no longer the two step

the times when you hit delete on something ...
but are even more satisfied when you find out that you
accidentally deleted all of it.

The letting go.
The letting go of what you were holding so as to have form or meaning...
a contrast to where you are now to where you have been.
and you laugh as it falls away from you...
and Mind opens it's wide eyes...
"Was I supposed to let that go?!!"
And Soul laughs... cause yeah... we don't need any of that shit...
and Mind goes "I'm pretty sure I could have used that for something."
as whatever it was tumbles down down down...further away and beyond retrieval
...what was it again? I've done forgotten.
it sinks below the waves... passes through the water's surface...
but we are far above them now...
and what belongs to the waters... must stay with the waters
"Come up here."
Mind is consoled... we've been 'up here' before... and it has always provided us with a nicer view
more luxuries and comforts. More satisfaction.

And when things fall away... Mind gives less than a second's glance at what it lost
old ideas
old beliefs
old plans
old goals
old actions
old patterns
old words...
like old clothing
and old worn rags
and old doings
and old events
and old experiences...

what were they again?
Yesterday is only a word for those who look upon it.
But there's nothing there...
there's nothing anywhere but here...and now


Many words are sometimes hard to silence...
all vibrations trying to gain attention so as to be made into form...
but they don't have to be...
many words spilling out everywhere in an unintentional manner...
and far from being constructed into a sensible read...
Like things that fall from your grasp when you are lifted upwards...
tumbling down down down... what were they again?


and partaking in summoning the council
and they stand listening...
to all the delegation and entrusting I place on them
and for one who sought the vibration of such a manner...
did not waver at the podium...
and I found them receptive to that which was spoken...

there is nowhere to get to or become...
we just are
that which we are...
but you've got to let everything else go...
the idea that you have to 'do' or 'get'...or 'learn' or 'have'...
that you have to practice or work
that you have to hang on to this or that...
or get rid of this or that...
or fix anything...
let go of all control
without a second thought..
without a moment's reasoning...
100% without fear, without doubt...

you can do it... you've got this.


~ "I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with." ~ (Azula)



of course... whether we really are Azula... or Cersie... or Thanos... and not all those good people whom I don't even know their names...   is To Be Determined...
and will always be that way... in a moment of uncompletion... ever expanding.
the depths of love unending... and the heights of divine glory eternal
we are both... all... whole...

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