Friday, November 22, 2019

Lesson 1 -- just write the problem and the solution will follow

Nighttime... Friday...
nothing to say

been popping back and forth from 5th to 6th
back to 5th, to 6th, 5th, 6th..
it's chaotic...
like seeing your awesome shit in your hands...
and then you switch back and it's gone...
and then it's there... in your hands and you can touch it and smell it...
and them pow! nope... not real...
then back...and forth...back...and forth...

(like trying to listen to a song on the radio, but the channel won't pick up clearly
and you tune the dial slowly back and forth until it catches the right spot...)

and transitioning fully and solidifying into one permanently...
I was hoping it to be an instantaneous thing...
boy, was I stupid

 5d can't give you what you already have in 6d

I guess this will do for now...
I'm rather excited to get my 6d stuff...
although I again have ruined the is the usual
and yeah, it's just stuff
and feeling
and some sort of deep resonance thing...
and I like when the others pop in, rather than me waving them over...
it's cool
and weird
and I need to stop writing the word 'and'
and also stop judging myself for doing so


( that word was received by the aether... and I read the entire wikipedia page and learned a whole fuck ton of sciency knowledge...)
(ok...and so this led to photelectric cells.... very cool... )

I know what needs to be done then.

magic bitches....
but really it's science...
magic sounds better though


"and" I will be back tomorrow possibly


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