Saturday, February 17, 2018

Rambling questionairre....I'll be insightful tomorrow

Day 74
have you read my posts from 2012...
holy shit...
I had a lot to say apparently.
deep insightful stuff.
What the heck!
And here I am in 2018 rambling on about bullshit.

Time to get serious, eh?
Time to wrangle the language of our elders.
Of our children.
To warm it up like savory milk and let it drip across your tender lips.
For these words shall cast a spell.
Entrance you into the whirlwind.
Breathing deeply into life and into the depths.
Where your soul ripples with the seasons and your spirit...
how it smiles upon the tears of your sorrow.
All the trees dance for you when you look upon them.
All the clouds smile down as you gaze upward.
The eyes of babes pierce through you...
I know you can feel this.
I know you know, because I know.
I know you see your broken flesh as a flaw.
I know you see your thoughts as hazards.
I know you feel that you aren't enough.
I know you grasp in panic as life trickles from your breath.
I know you fear departing.
I know you hear the echoes of the past.
I know you miss them.
So many of them.
The memories. The people. The feelings.
Oh, dear ones.
They shall return to you in full.
I promise this to thee.
Nothing that was ever a part of you shall be apart from you.
It is all you.
All you.

When the trees sing.....just because you can't hear them...
doesn't mean they aren't singing.

Hey, look what I found on google today.....
Questions that are supposed to be meaningful...haha....we'll see....

1. What do you miss about being a kid? - raw energy.

2. If someone gave you enough money to start a business – no strings attached – what kind of business would you want to start and why?- I will never start a business again.... - but I'd like to build little houses.

3. Tell me about a relationship issue you’re having, and ask me for advice on how to fix it. - what?...ummm none today.... I don't get enough 'cuddle' time?? what?! I see you looking.

4. If you could go back in time, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self? - Do it now, don't wait.

5. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? - everything

6. Tell me three things that happened in the last week that you’re thankful for. - flower babies!!!

7. What’s your favorite memory we’ve shared together? Gimme as many details as possible. - I just met you....?

8. What makes you happy? - colors, sunshine, warmness, markers, stickers, little boxes, little wooden chests, blank journals, little books, dragons, shiny things, music, subwoofers, gold things, badly drawn images made with MS Paint, badly made videos made with MS Paint, pinterest, soft blankets....fucks sakes, I could go on all day....

9. Who or what has changed your life? - Jesus. That angel I met when I worked at Walgreens. That psychic lady that tried to read my mind at Hardee's, Rachel from Iceland, my husband. My kids. Those visions. Those lucid dreams. My book. The other angels I met after reading that weird third eye book. O_O

10. How do you best connect with others? - I don't

11. Are you a giver, a taker, or a matcher? Are there areas in your life where you act like one type, and other areas where you act like another? ---- What even is this...???

12. What are the five most important things on your bucket list?--- travel, build something freaky weird in the middle of nowhere, travel, write more books/movies, travel some more, and teleport.

13. What matters most to you? -- ? nothing...and everything?? idk?

14. What’s some of the best advice you’ve ever gotten? -- too much to list. I probably wrote it all here on this blog somewhere.

15. What’s your ideal weekend? -- weekend? My life is the weekend, bitch.

16. If you could take a year-long paid sabbatical, what would you do?-- travel

17. Who do you trust? -- myself, Jesus, myself, the universe, my very good friend, my kids, myself.

18. What are five things you’re thankful for right now? - water, internet, heat, life, curiosity

19. If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would you wish for? - unlimited wishes.

20. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again? - ?? yes

21. What’s your favorite family tradition? - ??ummm... what? we burned the gingerbread house this year... traditions...what are those??

22. If you could enter a time machine, what time period would you go to? -- wait....I'm already a time machine... I can do this whenever I take the time to do it. So....I can't really answer this....I'm still disappointed they still have push button shit...and cat litter...and garden hoses....there are better things people....get with the future already!!! I'm tired of waiting!

23. What’s your favorite quote? -- didn't you already ask this?

24. What do you value most in a friendship? -- what is friendship?? I have a very good friend.... I value everything about that relationship.

25. Tell me your life story in four minutes, with as many deets as possible. -- what the hell are deets??details?? what are you, five? -- four minutes is too long, so no.

26. What’s something I’ve done for you that you’re grateful for? -- you wasted more of my time...who are you???!

27. What do you want your legacy to be? -- I don't give a fuck...I'm not here for you.

28. Let’s alternate sharing three positive characteristics of each other.-- you are gay, you make me laugh...., you spelled characteristics correctly...

29. What are your biggest goals for this year? How will you work to achieve them? -- get the bills paid off, by manifesting some serious ass money and not spending it on something else.... -- dude....I probably need to goal plan, eh?

30. Where was your favorite place to go as a child and why did you love it there? -- the woods, to be away from humans.

31. Tell me about a challenge you’ve been having at work or school, and ask me for advice on what to do about it. -- I would like more work...? How do I do that?? --- well.....answer me??!!

32. What was the first thing you bought with your own money? - ??idk. I bought my future husband a dagger with my last $60.... <3 -- still have it, even with the chew marks from our first puppy (Dravin)

33. What are you curious about? - every single thing.....please make it stop.

34. What are your top three strengths? Which strengths do you look for in a friend or partner?--- patience???maybe, manifesting power, positivity!!! --- stability, honesty, security.

35. Name four things we have in common -- you can spell, you didn't use the stupid questions found on other websites, you are probably a girl (guys don't do surveys much), and.... you can count.

36. What are your favorite three topics to talk about? -- other worldly stuff (aliens, angels, ghosts, etc), philosophy, stories.

37. What’s your earliest memory? - ?? -- I was disrespected when I was 3, coerced and lied to.

38. How do you express gratitude towards others? Give me an example. -- I don't... fuck them.

39. What are the top three ways to express your love in friendships and in relationships?--- what kind of question is this?... love is not just an expression, love is an acceptance of the all. No wonder people break up.

40. In what situations do you feel most comfortable sharing your perspective?--- when people ask for it. I mean really ask for my opinion, lol. Or when I'm tired of hearing their bullshit.

41. Who’s someone you really admire? -- my very good friend.

42. How do you like to be comforted when you’re upset?-- with cold hard cash.

43. What would you do on your “perfect” day? -- ??? what? today is perfect, did you miss it?

44. In 10 years, how would you like to describe your life? -- fucking FANTASTIC!

45. If you had $100,000 to give away to any cause, which cause would you choose and why? -- NO.
I'd rather burn the money in front of everyone than give it away to some cause. that would be AMAZING!

46. Where are the top three places you want to travel to some day, and why? - Australia, Switzerland, Scotland, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Palawon, St. Lucia, Rio, Chili, Canada, Arizona, Montana, Japan, Ireland, Netherlands, Balkins, Maldives, Bora Bora, Hawaii, ..... why? Because.

47. If you could have any job you wanted, that would it be? - Screenwriter

48. Tell me about a day you had that you’ll never forget. - that day I met that angel in Walgreens. There are lots of days....

49. If there were 26 hours in a day, what would you do more of? - sleep

50. Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it yet? - I do what I want. Or I'm working on it.

51. What moments or events during your childhood shaped who you are now?--- that time I was disrespected when I was 3 -- those other times.... fuck all that. I was who I was at three...still the same actually, just with a larger vocabulary.

52. What do you think about most? --- script.... my next screenplay..... how to stay grounded enough to function in this world.... I should be doing but ain't, 5 certain in the 5 that same script.....the beach....  the kids... my next books being written as a 5 again..... how to get the youngest off the computer... I have to do chauffeuring again? 5.....the trees....sunshine=warm.. 5 that scene!!.... need to finish health book for Teir's schoolwork..... thirsty.... sex
Book 5....THAT SCENE!!! ....need to meditate.... plans.... 4runners.... book 5. UGH!

You see my issue here, eh?
Later, beeswax snazberries of Gummy glen fandom.
We'll take you out back and show you the rope dealing and card slapping business of
the afternoon swaziland miracle hour.

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