Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Art...projects??? yeah, we an call them that.

Day 85
Everything is done except for the craft cabinet.
Maybe when it's not cold in that room.

Have to play chauffeur tomorrow.
Possibly the grocery store too if I feel up to it.

I'm working on a project.
Kinda like a new invention project.
but not really new... just using a different idea
and tweaking it to suit my needs.
I'm solving the cat litter real time. real time once I get my package in.
It'll totally work, eh? Then I won't have to spend
any more money on cat litter.
If not, I'll have more craft supplies.
I'll keep you updated.

ummmm so, this computer is glitching a bit
don't have much to say or tell

Level 30 on my list!
I get to dig up the garden.
because I was thinking it be great to get started on it.
with this sometimes warm weather and sunshine.
yeah....if this rain would get gone, we'd be digging.

why aren't there any thrift shops by hamilton place...
what the heck?
Not sure what I'll be working on tomorrow while
me and the radio flip through 12 stations of nothing but
95% stuff from the 80/90 's ....
probably converse with the muse to help me
get the Fox Prince script tweaked.
yeah, i'll do that.
and bring a book or something.
why don't I have any crossword puzzles?
why don't I have a boxflex?
oh...that's right... even sellers can be flip floppers and
waste your time...
do you want to sell it or not, buddy?
If I get a bowflex, I won't have to join a gym.
My very good friend says I could use bricks....
and think up ways to exercise....
but I'd hate to waste my creativity for things such as that.

Fixing to paint some artwork soon too.
I went through the colors today and paired up
the ones that go well together.
It's a set of 6.
They'll be geometric resonance stuff.
and probably a sigil or alchemy symbol.
I'll think of something cool.
of course I will.  psh.

really got to go. It's like tomorrow.
5 more days with me!
5 more days until my birthday!
I wonder what I'll get....??
probably whatever I buy myself.
like a bowflex and some workout clothes on amazon
I might pick up a passport on the way home
or book a trip to the beach
..... i really just kinda want to finish my script
and a 4runner.

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