Saturday, February 3, 2018

Splashing around

Day 60

That's 2/3 of the way to completion.
I have a hunch of what I want to reward myself with.
It's requires a ticket...well, two tickets. And somewhere to sleep.
Is it too much?
Is it too far?
I'm opening the door for the opportunity to accept this.

Check list of stuff to do today so I won't have to do it later.
1) dinner
2) play BoTW
3) pick up the oldest
4) paint wall
5) watch a movie

Tomorrow I'll be getting back at my script.
7 days to get it done.

Finished that book I was reading.
It was okay.
Okay enough to keep for now.

There's a rushing fountain.
It's gushing through like a waterfall.
But it's shooting up as well.
Spraying every which way.
You're larger than you think you are.
You're bigger than you think you are.
You're stronger than you think you are.

Oh courageous one.
Let it flow....
not like a babbling brook...
not like a creekside puddle...
not like a meandering stream.
Oh no, not you child.
You are the geyser.
And the waterfall.
Raging like the rapids.
Shooting out into chaos.

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