Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Writing for the Masses

Day 71
That's right. Day 71
It's Valentine's day!
and I love you.
I have some crocus popping up in the yard.
Mind you that I planted over 300 bulbs last fall.
random places. Cause I'm like that.
If the sun ever comes back and they bloom out...
I'll take a pic for you.
I like taking pics.
I should be a photographer...
oh wait....

A photoshoot sounds fun....
I need my black backdrop though...
and it's being used as a curtain for Butter.
why don't I own black sheets?
wtf... I love the color black.
it probably has something to do with
cat hair...and none of my cats are solid black.
why don't I have a solid black cat??!!!

I could set up bright ass lights and get a black background effect...
that's too much work.
why don't I have any more orders...
I like my job, kinda need to do it more.
I like taking pictures!
I like houses too.
I want to build a small house.
Why don't I have unrestricted property nearby?
When is the tax sale?
Why won't those people answer their email?
I guess I'll send them a letter.
I have a stamp.
My stamps have Batman on them, lol.
I like Batman.

Movie pitch time!

Title: _____?________( something...Racers??)
It can be animation or live action.
Doesn't matter.
Roller skating/blading.
Teams with kids/teenagers.
Future time, with electric pop out skates.
Goggles, helmets, cool shit.
Think glowing blacklights and obstacles.
Think a race and a target goal.
Large spectator seats around this ...set? tank?
The teams have to negotiate around/through a course
and obstacles to find the ___?___ and make it to the
finish line with the ___?___  before the other team
finds their ___?___.
Think capture the flag, but with skating and blacklights.
And cool fun stuff.
This could save the skating rinks after it gets produced.
How fun would a skating rink be with ramps and cushion walls!

There are other main story parts, but this is the jist of the action.
(US Copyright protected, no stealing)

 I should write movies...
working on it!
Where is my script??!
Come on proofreaders!!! Dying here!!!
Outlining tomorrow for Victory.
It's Thursday. Thursday fursday.
Victory is a mouse. FYI
There's a fox in it too, but this one talks.

I painted a wall today.
I like the colors.
Might watch a movie.
I still need to clean my craft room and the storage room.
Craft room tonight??
Storage room tomorrow.
Unless I get my script back.
Priorities, yo.

Why don't they make a real movie like Scooby Doo...
but not stupid. Not the same characters and not Scooby.
Like a group of cool people. They can have a dog, but not
a great dane, or a talking one. Maybe not pot heads either.
Not a van either. They should drive a minivan...
no wait.
A group of parents... trying to figure out the mystery
of where their kids went (because they weren't where
they said they were) and they go on some crazy adventure
trying to find them, in their crossover SUV.
Sometimes making horrible puns about the real Scooby Doo.

Family Comedy, yo!

Feel free to steal this and make it, I'd like to watch it.

 Gosh, this post is already kinda long.
I haven't said much, haha
Guess I'll go be productive....

Bye! Snapchat buddies of insta-tea and fantasia rosemary stew.
I'll bring you a margarita of honey suckle pie and goulash creme.
Don't forget to flower your tortilla.

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