Friday, July 6, 2018

day 13 homework

day 13 homework:
What labels do you identify with?
Where are you limiting yourself or limiting what you can receive?
Is it true?

So the things I say about myself...
--- that I can't connect with people...
I can connect with people actually. Very well truthfully.
Too much to be specific.... and that, scares them.
They divert and distract and throw out decoys. I know what they do.
they swerve and do all they can to hide. I know your games dear ones.
They fall into their societal constructs and become clones... I see all of this.
I try to make you comfortable, but I know you feel me looking at you.
there is no hiding around me... and I know this terrifies you.
sorry, not sorry.
--- that I am never understood...
perhaps I am... but they don't want to believe in my bullshit.
It;s too big for them maybe? too vast... this ocean.
do they fear drowning? the feeling of drowning?
It shakes their safe little cocoons. It terrifies them that their
worlds may be at risk and the light may get in... oh no oh no.
too bright. too bright, pull down the shades.
maybe? maybe I cause them to flee and they refuse to hear,
not that can't understand, but because they refuse to.
I'm okay with that.
sorry, not sorry.
--- that I have debts to pay
this is no longer true. I don't  have debts. I owe no one.
I've erased this from my subconscious. So ..... they'll be gone shortly.
--- that I don't know what to do.
actually I do. I know exactly what to do. All I have to do is ask myself, yo.
--- that manifesting $25000 is going to take longer than a few weeks.
actually...fuck that. I can do it in an instant.
--- that I need someone's help before so-and-so whatever can get done.
No. just no. I'm just waiting on myself.

this was fun.
I'm fucking INFINITE!
Super Saiyan Jedi Master!
Fuck yes!
I get to have all the things!

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