Sunday, July 15, 2018

One would be wise to live in the present.

I've realized a serious issue....
so I started my book, yo
....and see....
screenplays need to be in present tense...
like saying 'Bob writes his name and leaves the room.'
but books are usually past tense.
like 'Bob wrote his name and left the room.'
and this is a struggle...
because I actively had to catch the past tense shit while writing my scripts
and go back and edit and edit and edit...just for that one issue....
so .....
here's the deal...
the book will need to be in present tense....
cause I don't want to get into a bad habit of writing past tense shit...
and anyway...we should all live in the present.
So that doubles up on the good feng-shui for our spirits...
so yeah.

Also, another problem....
I'm only about 3 pages in and need to rearrange things.... cause I forgot
there are other things that need to happen first... like, A LOT of things.... O_O
oy vey!
for scripts I use beat cards to outline shit before I write...
I never have for my books, at least not more than a few pieces of small ass note paper.
and now I'm like having to rearrange my brain conductors to fire off differently
and back into book format.
Well, at least I'm glad to be hanging out with my characters.
Too bad someone is going to die.

and the battery in the being a bitch.
I don't trust after every paragraph I save the file...
paranoia at it's best.

In other worlds...
I'm choosing some big ass alchemic alterations for my psyche.
And this means some awesome shit is on the way.
and...whoa...hold the phone!
One of the competitions I entered are supposed to announce the quarter-finalists today.

Did you know Athena was born from Jupiter's forehead after he ate her mother.
Just a random bit of mythology I read yesterday...
What might have really happened was Jupiter (the planet) covered over a star or moon (hence ate it)
and a comet or other star moved out from behind Jupiter at the top (hence forehead/birth)
Maybe he thought her up in his imagination? Created her with quantum gravity anomalies of frequency protons? Science, yo.
just sayin' - maybe I'll ask them about it.
Athena is the Goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war.
I'm still not sure why she's hanging around. She doesn't look like the pictures on google, btw.
She as a golden crown (helmet?) with wings on it. And seems a bit ruthless in a way....
I'm not sure about her just yet. She's been sending me owls though.
whatever... I'm sure I'll find out eventually.

I think on a whim stuff is fun.
Looks like a trip to the beach is on the horizon
just because I want to go.
and a trip to best buy is inevitable.

coffee... .... must leave you now....
I'll probably be back...
cookout later today
work orders tomorrow
need to watch a movie so I can send it back to netflix
write book....and not stay up late.
probably other things that aren't coming to me right now....

ta ta, heroes of chalk dust and mathmatics, let the goddess of wisdom scour you with her ever so kind rhetoric comments about the sun and it's aphelion circumferences of diabolic dance machines in the heavens and in the realms of Hades. Dance dance dance.

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