Wednesday, July 4, 2018

day 3 homework

so yeah, this is still day one...
no one fucking cares.
I do things in my own time, yo.
and today it says do 3 days worth! Whoot!

Won't post this one to FB either...but if you find it...
you're welcome to read it.

Today's homework....
Out of the things you have going on...
write down the things that feel heavy.

No time frame on this one, sweet!
Ok...things that feel heavy... in my non business.
Heavy... a garden.... can you believe how much time and effort it takes to keep that shit up.
I grew some things, yes and I have flowers in the other... but holy shit
too much work.... got to change that for sure, cause it's certainly heavy! and I'm only 1 person, yo.
A yard is too much work, but I don't do it....soooo. hmmm. I miss trees.
Summer is too much work...why can't I fucking go hiking?! Oh I know.... it's fucking 11155000 degrees outside! So much for that awesome ass bicycle I own!
Heavy.... the loads of fabric I still have.... omg people, someone buy this shit! It's beautiful fabric and name brand designer shit.... I can't give it to you, but I can sell it to you for a great price! That goes for all the sewing crap I have that I probably will never use.
Heavy... ugly ass clothes I don't care for.... why is this such an issue to part with them? fuck!
Heavy... listening to the people on the screenwriting group complain or ask stupid questions about screenwriting... or tell people how 'hard' it is...for them. Fuck that. I don't need your pity party or negative outlooks mucking up my freeflowing spirit shit. Unfollowing!
Heavy... indecisive people...why don't people know what they want?! i guess I'll start just asking myself. Fuck it.
Heavy...well, not this one you realize I no longer think of debt as heavy... fuck yes. It feels so light and calm. - Mindset coaching. hell to the yes.
Heavy.... no privacy. Not in the house, I'm talking outside the house. Like neighbors. Like noise, like cars, like concrete.
Heavy... watching movies that suck. It gives me hope, but also I'm rather so disappointed... where is the magic? where are the feels that matter.
Heavy.... people with issues that are unable to look at them. I can't fix you friends. But I can love you.
Heavy... everyone that says shit about 'finding your tribe' bullshit. Shut the fuck up!!! You can't find them! Do they exist??! Probably not for me. at least not in this realm.
Heavy.... a horrible stereo in my 4runner.... omg! I don't think I can live another day listening to 1985-1995 songs...fuck. this is like movies....stop remaking shit!! I want to move forward!!!FORWARD!!!!    ok...I get that 5, almost 6 planets are in retrograde.......maybe, just maybe we can get on with it soon, yo. I'm dying here!
Heavy... telling anyone anything about my screenplays, book, ideas, thoughts, opinions, revelations, etc, etc, etc, etc! You don't deserve me, yo.
Heavy... that I haven't done the thing I feel I should do.    fuck.

Looks like I have work to un-do... and do.
But first... fireworks...

I'm not doing day 4 today, so we get to wait until tomorrow...after work orders are done.
Don't go searching for your fingers, the dog ate them.

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