Thursday, July 19, 2018


Level 41 should really try out the list challenge... even though I do the list of 6, and the roll of the dice chooses one of the challenges for me, I still do some of the others... I'm probably around 75% accomplished in total.
This time I got number 3 (again) - fyi, I roll a 3 most often, followed by 2 and 4, rarely a 1 or 6.
This sucks, because I find myself really thinking about what I put on number 3 now, lol.
I get to do a 5 goal mini-RUSH!
 that's getting to choose 5 mini goals that you want to get done asap, no excuses, no delays, no blah blah blah, you fucking put them on the list and do it before you do anything else.
this would be a good time to notify you that I'm sort of a procrastinator.
I do things that I want most of the time, and the others things get put on a list just so I don't forget them. And then other things pop up that are more important (to me) so I do those next... otherwise the list stuff gets done when I feel ready to put forth the energy towards them. Or just when I'm really tired of writing them down again.... and I say fuck it and do them. Like all in a crash course, just because I rather not write them down...
this would probably be a good time to also mention that I like to do things the hard way... at least perceived by others (or actually my way I perceive how others perceive...?)
I'm totally overexplaining...and rambling... and explaining what I'm doing...

I'm not going to do that anymore... not that I actually do it much... just feels like it...

My list of 5 mini goals...
1. write chapter 2
2. plan for where I'd like to be by end of the year (like aspects: physically, mentally, financially, etc.) clarity, yo. Drifting is only fun 75% of the time...
3. pay off a credit card ...$450... basically... waiting for my paycheck
4.  ....  cookies
5. .... 4runner seat cover replaced
 + 6. .... PURGE the old worn out shit!


would love to start on a script....
would love to go to the beach....
I have $20 in Kohl's cash to spend....
cookies... I want some cookies... ^ edit list!
seat cover for 4runner... no worn out shit in my life, bro. ^ edit the list!

I like that... no worn out shit in my life...
no worn out shit in my life...
I feel a purge coming on. that sounds really fun...
let's do it!
 ^ edit list!
I better stop before I find more stuff that sounds fun!
thanks for helping me come up with goals!
who knew.

probably go swimming in a little bit
I'm going to go make cookies.

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