Saturday, July 7, 2018

day 16 and 17 homework

lol..... someone found these posts...
that one person, I'm sure you know who you are.
I didn't post them on fb, so you actually do know
how to look on the side -----> and see the homework posts!
Lol. I'm proud of you that you actually read them....or at least opened them.

day 16 homework...
How do you add more value to what you offer?
To add more value to the world?

Alexandria will give them either exuberant joy and laughs...
or an ulcer.
She'll share how awful movies are and how much better they should be.
She'll give away prizes. Like rocks. and drawings done in MS Paint.
Maybe she'll sell them too.
Maybe she'll share what she thinks about a lot of things...
Maybe she'll read short stories to you.
or short screenplay readings.
or sing you a little ditty. A bad one...with a lap harp or ukelele.
or try to play an ocarina....?
a tambourine?  I have a lot of instruments....
she can teach kids about how to mess up and be okay with it.
or how to be a rebel and draw those zebras with wings...and fire breath.
She can invite other people on her show and talk about the color orange...
She can sell stuff... stupid ridiculous awesome stuff!! Like origami, or feathers.
or magic rocks....or something she found on the ground that day.
or stories. or books.... and maybe a screenplay. ;)
there's lots of value in this.... what in the! Lol

day 17 homework was to be spontaneous...
Alexandris IS spontaneous.... no script for her....she'd kill me...
I'm not joking.
 she's funnier that way anyway.... ask Skylar, she has one of her first video's...
I'l see if she still has it and can send it to me...
I'll post it on another post though... that's a noun and a

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