Tuesday, December 19, 2017

1/6th is a fraction....this is a bunch of them

Day 15
Act I outline is made up...and took way longer than I thought.
That's why only Act I is done and not all of them.
Got some question marks answered too. Little details that are actually important to the story.

Every single little bit of everything.
Love that.

Saturn moves into Capricorn tomorrow.

And I watched the Limitation Game videos - 2 of them today.  I'm totally not procrastinating.
I'm evolving.

I also found this nifty webpage on screenwriting that is rehashing all the stuff I already know.
Which is great, because it's wasting time too and funny thing is that when you read about it, your subconscious is reapplying and fact checking your screenplay...so it's like editing, but not physically.
I like it! All the work is being done for me in a sense.
Or when I'm stuck and I ask my helper for info and it's laid on me like 'oh yeah' good idea.'
*high five!

And I totally had a realization today. Something my mind knows already, but somewhere in there I got lost or I forgot. So I have re-realized it, I'm pretty sure.
I forgot that I didn't need to change my outside circumstances. That my inside didn't need to make the outside comply.
duh. I KNOW this already.
I simply just comply with the inside.
Then the outside will comply automatically.
felt this today and it was like 'oh...welcome home traveler'
Where do I go?

Yeah, I know this blog post is a bit scattered. You'll live.
Day 15 of 90.   that's 1/6th of the way through.
Now if I would apply this to my script we'd be rollin' .... we'll I technically work on it...just not physically. Kinda like Book 5...It's there alright, just not materialized into matter just yet. And I'm not sure where I want to start it. Probably where Brynn is trying to smash Kren's face in......idk yet.


The trees whisper when I pass.
They're watching. Peacefully reminding me of my work.
I know they are resting, but they still seem eager to speak.
Perhaps it doesn't matter that we are on winter's edge.
They want to be heard. These dear be-ings.
I must honor them.
I will hear they're stories.
I will record their words.
And the voices that have been covered by the winds will howl. They will sing. They will rejoice.
My teachers. My friends. I will come to you.
I know your patience is grand.
I know you wait for me.
I'm coming, honored ones.

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