Monday, December 18, 2017

Holidays and Horoscopes.

Day 14
I keep thinking time should be moving faster than it appears to be doing at the moment.
It feels like 20 minutes, but it's been like 5

So... I just found out that my Ascendant (Rising Sign) is Scorpio.
Like, why wasn't I told about this when I was actually doing astrology crap 20 years ago.
Why didn't I know what this was. Or how kinda important it is to know.
All this time I was thinking I'm supposed to be some mushy overly-sensitive Pisces. And I always wondered why I never really felt that way. Yeah, I'm a bit dreamy and ebb/flow kinda person, but somehow there were things that didn't quite add up in that analysis.
Anyway, I'm relearning astrology with some more up to date, good ol' fashion google, which wasn't so great 20 years ago, and I was way too broke to be buying books back then.
This is my new side-quest while I procrastinate with The Fox Prince script.

Christmas is one week away.
I like Christmas, but I'm not sure why.
I like seeing the kids open stuff, but they are emotional trap doors and you can only catch glimpses of there inner joy occasionally. Like at Pandora (not the jewelry store or motorcyle store) Pandora at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Or when a new gaming computer FINALLY gets delivered.
Or when you buy your eldest a sweater they 'love so much', because they spent all their own money buying other people gifts.
I like opening stuff too. Yeah. Sometimes I think my super duper intuition ruins it though. All this psychic shit telling me what I'm getting before Christmas even gets here. I'm just like 'shut up!!' I want to be surprised!!
I like the horrible songs and tacky decorations too. And classical decor. And Santa.
I like the shopping frenzy and people losing their minds and money over it too. It really is quite entertaining. I love watching people negotiate their societal training. It's beautiful.
I like the awful traffic. It's so freaking funny, because people choose to be out here, yet they still get angry about some slow/fast bad driver. People in a hurry are the absolute best. I indulge in analyzing them every chance I get.

I don't like the charity people or getting asked to donate. (the answer is always no)
I don't like to be asked if I need help.  (if I needed help, I would ask you!)
I don't like being asked how my day is or if I found everything ok.  (please STFU! Your slow death is trying to pour out onto me, poor poor checkout person.)  (this does not include the guy with an accent who slices the sandwich meat I get at Whole Foods. He is allowed to talk all day. )
I don't like the cold.  (brrrr)
I don't like actually shopping and spending money on stuff.  (I kinda don't really want it, but I need it)
I don't like cooking.  (not one bit)
I don't like shopping for food to cook.   (omg, please make life more affordable)
I don't like that no one likes to have pictures taken.   (why not? please smile already!)
I don't like that no one wants to do anything.  (boring)
I don't like that Santa never actually comes.   (wtf)

I do like getting to put the tree away!!!
and having pretty paper all over the floor.
and glitter.....hell yes. Glitter for weeks!! - yes I buy glitter wrapping paper. Better believe it

I need to go.... ho ho ho.

ok, that was supposed to be 30 minutes gone, but it's been 15 or so....time is waiting for me today I guess.

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