Monday, December 11, 2017

Dance of worlds....

Argh.... how hard is it to develop a backstory for a villain?
Lol....and I think I might rehash the beginning of my screenplay.
Boss Man is helping me write it and recommended a technique that requires me to change
it up a bit. Still the same, just different perspective.

In other worlds... I just added on a whole additional part for book 5, lol.
This is the trouble with rampant daydreaming, while at night, trying to sleep.
But...ooooh.... I love my characters so damn much.

This reality....I'm still in need of hands for my creatures...
and boots. I haven't worked on them.

I have researched cabins though.....and am highly disappointed in what they charge.
even prefab building kits... holy crap.
$12k for a 16x24...that you still have to build yourself....
or if you go to lowe's and buy the shit yourself... $6k -- I did the math.
can't find log prices though...
yeah, I know, getting ahead of I still need to get the owners of the
neighbor property to sell me those 10 acres where the magical fairies live.
Which, it may be wise to finish paying off the last bit of our debt first....
but no one gives a fuck about doing things in order.

I have stuff to do and now since my youngest has his computer and I finally have mine back...
I need to not be on here all day! Have to go.... day .....7 I think? 

__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _  ___ _ _ _  __ _ _ _  _ _ _ _- - -_

And we danced. Even as they watched.
His hand around my waist, probably holding me too close.
His eyes unwilling to drift off of me. Mine unwilling to drift off of his.
We danced.... and I didn't care that they were watching and our secret was at risk of being revealed.
The music slowed and we matched the tempo.
We matched each other.
His body pulled closed to mine.
The warmth of his breath near my ear. The smell of his clothes.
I closed my eyes, thinking I shouldn't smile...or they would know.
I smiled, tucking my face inward, even closer to him.
He whispered in my ear.
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  - _ - _ _ _ _  _-  - - ____

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