Wednesday, December 20, 2017

List making is FUN

If you have to justify why you are doing something.....
then its not what you really want. Toss it.

Day 16 - and fixing to start on level 24 (i think?) of my list thingy I explained many days ago.
I guess I should come up with a name for it, so when I refer to it again you'll kinda know what I'm talking about.
I just completed the last task, so time to make a new list of 6 things. As of right now, I have no idea what to put on that list.
I could be brave and write 'Go to the BEACH'
I could be sensible and write 'Clean the bathroom'   - gack hahahahah
no.....don't do that unless it will feel good to be done with it. Which today, I do not care.
Maybe something artistic.....which is usually included on almost every list I've written so far.
Something brave.... that one is fun and terrifying at the same time. Because if your dice matches the number of that brave HAVE TO DO IT.... If you break the chain must repay the dishonoring fee.... only weather (as in build a snowman, but its summer....stop putting dumbass stuff on your list), sickness (you are dying), and death (you died) are 'skip' allowances.
The dishonoring fee relates to something of equal value to make up for the dishonoring...and a 7 day commitment. Don't dishonor yourself.
Anyway, I get to make a new list tonight. Sweet.

Survivor ends tonight too....thank god.
I worked on my book this morning....and made a few parts better....hahah....I was fixing to write 'scenes' but the book is not a movie.... (it could be a series though....hmmm)
I'm hungry....I want to go eat. So cutting short today.

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