Friday, December 29, 2017

drop it like it's hot

Day 24 -

They want to add me to their team of inspectors. But I have to fill out stuff....ok then.
Pan's labyrinth on piano, working on that.
Katyusha is fine until the second part....hands will not work together just yet.
I see the light - from Tangled, looks easy enough. Its next on my list.
and Loch Lomond - its kinda not easy
Guitar - .... I need to research some easier stuff than electric guitar solos.... O _ O

There's stuff I need to do and I don't wanna.

Financial Feng-shui. This would work better if I didn't have to wait for the bills to actually be in.
Or weekends didn't mean people were closed. Stupid society.
Financial Feng-Shui evidently implies that I won't actually be working on outside things as much as inside things....both, but inside stuff that makes the outside stuff respond. I'm not joking.
So last night, I was speaking with Theightious. (he's an earth god).... and well,.... let's just say that lava is a great way to rid yourself of thoughts/beliefs/limitations/ideas that are not to your benefit.
You hold out your hands and place a thought in them that doesn't feel good.
You observe it and describe it....out loud, but not loud loud. Just say what it is.
Then break up with it. As in.... Disagree with it. Void the contract. Call bullshit on it. Whatever works for you. Then open your hands like your dropping that thought or whathaveyou. Helps if you are picturing a flowing river of lava below your hands. Or the sun. Or something burning. FIRE
and say goodbye to it. Yes, say goodbye out loud to it.
Try it, you'll like it.
It's like taking a drug...I guess...?? I don't do drugs. I do weird.
So we were talking about finance, money, stuff like that....cause I need stuff to write about here.
I dropped a lot of stuff. It was fantastic.
More fantastic if you have a visual imagination like me and you go a bit on the outside of sanity and feel the burning of that thought inside your head....cause you are the actual volcano.
You can reprogram yourself.

The moon wants me to sing her a song.... O_O I'm kinda scared....I can sing, but I have a feeling she wants me to play the guitar too.....argh. I don't think I can do both. We'll see.


I'm on this EOL group on facebook and I'm chatting with if this takes forever to write...that's why.

New Year's..... resolutions..... no we don't do resolutions.... we set things on FIRE!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
If a certain thought crosses my mind one more damn time.......I will freaking do it.
There's your warning.

7 day challenge. change your life in 7 days - this is for you.

7 days of magick - for yourself, for others, for anything, for nothing.
             do something bold, brave, exciting, something you usually wouldn't do
7 days of release - releasing something for 7 days you want to try living without.
             like sugar, coffee, facebook, television, whatever is heavy on your soul
7 days of honoring - yourself, your family, whatever, whoever.
             pamper yourself, buy flowers, give flowers, take someone out for dinner
7 days of presence - awareness of each and every thought, action, deed, word.
             be vigilant and all these things need watched before letting energy pass through them.
7 days of patience - love all the snails. love all the slugs. even yourself.
             slow drivers, things you aren't ready to carry, build foundations first
7 days of movement - stretch, dance, sing, breathe deeply, m o v e
             get rid of 'stuck' energy, burn it, unclog it, flooooow
7 days of promise - make a promise to yourself and keep it
             promise to be kind to yourself, to love yourself, to listen to yourself.

it's only for 7 days.... you can do this.

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