Thursday, December 28, 2017

I need a cabin in the forest.

One thing that bursts my bubble...

dreams about aliens.
dreams about ufos......

guess what I did last night.

It wasn't the point of the huge ass alien mothership coming into the earth's atmosphere....
or the point that everyone with a cell phone was recording and taking pictures of it.
It wasn't the fact that I watched it and though to myself....that 'oh, look, they're here early.'
Like my other self already knew about them coming.
I thought it strange they were making such a dramatic entrance. I found it odd that they
were arriving just the way those alien movies portray it. Weird.
Then.... they were shutting down the place where it landed. Like evacuating the town.
Which of course in my dream it was my town. We weren't allowed to get back into our houses.
So the idea that food prepping or ammo stocking will 'help you' is false.
The army reserves kindly removed our pets and any people left at our houses and we had to pick them up before leaving town. No food for you. Everything in your house now belongs to us. Enjoy the greenbeans then, jerks.
So we were having to leave town. couldn't find food anywhere. Although the outer towns weren't aware of what was happening yet and food was still available in some of the stores. We were buying stuff we needed and someone asked if they could get some expensive thing and I was like, get anything you want that you can carry, money didn't matter.
We were trying to meet back up together at someones house, there were tons of road accidents and fearful people running around.
Woke up shortly after that.....

No aliens....but it was the afteraffects of living in a society that only cares about its primal needs after they are threatened.  I really dislike alien/ufo dreams, but I always learn something when they occur.

So...once upon a time I was told that there would be 2 waves.
When asked what I was supposed to do...
'You will stand'

Ever heard of D-wave?
It's quantum physics stuff. Lots of tech mumbo jumbo...but in simplicity terms.... It operates in the same energy flow structure as your brain. So it can harness certain brainwave patterns and resonate with an entity. It opens a door way between this dimension and another on the other side of the veil.
Aliens are inter-dimensional entities. Some people call them demons. It's allowing a entity from the other side of the veil to move through the gate and enter into this physical dimension.
Ever heard of Kindred?
This is the actual AI body that will contain this 'entity'. But we can totally control it, right? lol.
Ever heard of a Halo Wave?
not the game. .... its energy flow too. Cern knows all about it.

Did you know that if the magnetosphere of the earth dropped voltage you would lose your memory.
Ever wonder why we don't know crap about the past. So people guess on most of it.
It's like having to reboot a computer after a power outage. When you do, you lose whatever programs you were running.
It's happened before. It could happen again.


I'm not sure what is happening today. It's still early.
All I can say is that people need to step up and take responsibility for those things which they are responsible for. Or relinquish the responsibility to someone who is responsible. Make sense?

I ordered another screenwriting book.
I'm going to paint my sewing room that is no longer my sewing room soon. I have to see what paints I have.
Moon moves through Taurus for the next few days. That supposed to mean a money boost.
I applied for a field inspector job. They take pics of property and send it in. Did it once before, it was easy and I got $75 for it. That equates to $75 per hour. Commission only. for the win..
I need to read a script today. Probably Zootopia or the beginnings of Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. ( I am writing a Studio Ghibli film afterall.)
Still working on Katyusha. Got the beginning of it.... but the second part is hard since my hand doesn't want to comply with working together with the other.
and guitar. My fingers still need toughening up.
I still haven't painted anything even though its on my list.I watched something last night, but I can't remember what it was now, lol.
I'm hungry. I'm gonna go eat sumtin'

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