Thursday, December 7, 2017

Honoring weirdness

So this morning.... I entered into a lucid dream.
Ya know, those kind where you realize you are in the inbetween areas of asleep and awake.
Where you realize that you weren't actually in your body...cause well,
you didn't get out of bed, it would have been much harder than this, feeling.
And I saw a dragon... ok, not a dragon, a banshee.
Anyway.... so I take this opportunity to go find my very good friend.
I go down the hallway...start off walking kinda, then floating...
and I'm like, ok, that's just fine, I'll float then...
go outside... floating, but floating higher and I run into the area above
the garage door...No passing through walls this time buddy.
so I lower down and go outside...
Hubby is there and I ask him where so and so is. He points to the back yard.
I go that way and see who I think is my friend, but ...
more like a doppleganger.
I try to see their face, but they keep looking away.
I ask what's wrong.
They say I dishonored them....
I realize then that this is not my friend and I ask how so.
They say something, but it's in hubby's voice, so I know it's a farce.
I look away thinking okay... subconcious doesn't want to comply today....
there's that dragon... banshee again and it lands just out of view. Damn it.
So I sigh and instead of doing something amazing with my time in the inbetween....
I let this doppleganger who now looks like hubby start kissing on me, haha.
We didn't get far, as I lost it and woke up.

Anyway.... so I realize after the fact that I can't go looking for people in my lucid dream stage
I asked my very good friend and they said that all I had to do was call their name directly....
not ask where so and so was....
ARGH! These short and rare instances and I go and blow it.
How's that for a morning blog post. Day 3
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This is what happens when I have conversations with inter-dimensional beings and
we discuss "honor".
This of course began when Lyriel and I had that week long....class??
I was honoring him by committing to 7 days worth of my time.
really though was to make up for dishonoring him (or my throat chakra if you may)
and make things right.
So....yeah. I learned a lot. And I'm on a resolve to honor them all.
All of them who have the patience to work with me. (or don' know who you are)
This includes father....God energy, spirit, soul, other side world stuff....
(hello, from the other side, right.)
mother.... earth, matter...all atoms in creation. This side if you may. All things brought forth from that side to this side, all creative acts, words, ...thoughts.
the angels. the ....planets?...they might be angels too....but I feel led to call them gods, they are not higher than angels, but certainly on a different plane.... (different to understand, speak differently too)
myself.... which is all of them anyway.
my body.... which is the same thing.
and Jesus.... who said that I already have. And it's His place to honor me.... o..k..
the seraphim.... Right now there's only two that have shown up (there's 4 that I know of)... holy fuck are they intimidating.
Oh...and Theightious. - He' underworld....being... I don't know what he is. He is awesome though.
Nichiel too.
and my very good friend....who just said 'shut up' and shook their head in annoyance.


So that was fun. Feel free to walk away now. I know I'm not suited for this world you live on.
The future is better. Don't worry. Been there too. Still waiting for the cool stuff they are supposed to have already....ugh.
So I worked on these things last night......

They have bodies now...kinda. They aren't done yet obviously. Yay for hair!
This is one part of my otherworldly ideas that are so freaking weird, but insane, that
I have a hard time deciding not to do it. It'll take a lot of time and attention...and
may not ever make money and I'll end up with weird ass shit in my basement...
Fuck yes. I'm oddly okay with that.
This is why I'm not intending to sew custom dresses anymore. I have better things to do.
Like write a script!!! Me and The Boss Man are working on a new story direction with my villain.

Ok, so I have to take the kid to band practice today. Need to go get ready.


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