Sunday, December 31, 2017

Remember remember

day 26
it is the last day of 2017

Wise man says, only fools rush in....
but I can't help, falling in love, ....with you
Guitar practice 101

Today's tasks.
Putty ceiling
put away trees
headshot photo
scan and upload all of that paperwork, it's like 30 pages plus id stuff
read book
watch a movie
pick up the kid

Will I get all that, maybe


I have more to say in the evenings, go figure
Nothing really right now.
Maybe if I wait a bit, something will appear.

There's things that may benefit from a more present awareness of them, however I'm having a huge blank show up when I address them. I don't know the answer or solution. Totally okay.
I will need to ask for assistance. Be right back....
..... I have a 'sort of' answer from my assistants. This will require me to be more conscious of my actions and choices. I can do that. Remembering that I would benefit from doing that is another thing.

Want to know the secret to remembering something?
Sure you do.
It's telling yourself that you will remember. You can't do it in your head.
You HAVE to say it out loud.
As in....--  "I will remember to     insert what you need to remember here   ."
You HAVE to say it out loud or your brain will not remember it, or if it does it will be totally at the wrong time. Just command yourself to remember. Out Loud! If you have a time to remember it say you will remember it at __________ so and so time. Out Loud.
It has to do with resonance and reverberation if you want scientific proof. I will not explain today.
You command your brain to do the things you need it to do. It's like using Siri or Cortana, or Alexis.
Tell it, but you actually have to use your voice. It is the command code. Like a captain's...on a starship, but you don't have to call out your numbers. You just have to use your voice.
Saying it out loud 3 times brings it more to the forefront of your consciousness too btw. So if it's really important, say it more than once. 3 times the charm.
Try it out, tell me if it works for you.

p.s - you can also do this same tactic to manifest something into your life.
Not as in asking for something to be brought to you, but saying you already have it. 3 times, everyday. Throw some powerful emotion into it if you want results quickly. Be careful what you are manifesting. The universe will take the quickest route and sometimes its not the best if you throw will into the mix. It is not your job to find the path/answer/solution/object or figure out how you are going to get/do it. Your only job is to command that it be. And then stay out of the way, you will get ran over by the universal train if you stay on the tracks.

So....Final Draft is expensive.
Its a screenwriting program.... birthday is in 3 months.....
oh wait.....income tax assuming I get any is in Feb. Assuming the gov doesn't make online filers wait.
oh wait.... I'm getting a side job. ...oy!
oh wait.... I don't need to do anything, it'll just be.  DUH!
  Anyway, Fox Prince is ready to go into screenwriting format. I might play with some of those cheap programs to test it out, but I know they are not what I need for the 'real' script.
In the meantime, since I don't like being on the computer all day....I will outline and card Victory.
Probably not today.

Gonna go, coffee is waiting and trees need put away.
Later hobbits of Gnometown with the little tiki torches and whiskers of foam.

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