Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Not sure where I was headed with this....

Know what I did yesterday?
I threw out all the old applique paper things.
.... those things I use for designs on the dresses I sew.
I threw them away.
  I did keep maybe 10...because they were already made and can be sewn onto something and sold within a short amount of time....maybe. But..... here in deep down....
I don't really care.
I'll probably throw those away this evening too.

I must've slept wrong too, because my spine is feeling defunct.

So...I started working on a screenplay, but have found a black hole of void regarding
my villain. You think this wouldn't be so perplexing... I LIKE villains.
However, I realize that I don't like my current version of
time to rehash him/them and their story.
This in turns places my hero in a predicament where I like both him and the villain....
how am I supposed to decide who wins then?
..... oh yeah......choose the cute one.....  nevermind.

want to see the board?  Fuck yes you do!! here ya go.

the board is where you can 'see' your outline and make sure your story structure is sound.
You can actually try shaking it and if anything falls loose...well, that's your problem...., lol
no not really.
Anyway, this is first stage...still adding/subtracting.... and trying to form a love relationship with my villain. This is so you don't have to screw things up after you've already started writing the actual script.

Know what else I did....

Painted these things.... (they are clay heads)
Going to make some weird doll things while I watch Survivor.
I have twelve other plans in the misty land of headspace..... none of which I'm going to tell.

It's almost the two year mark on the people (now renting) the other house. Guess what happens on the two year mark.  Yeah....
Last update. One has moved out and the other is still there. Not sure if they are staying or going.
I really don't care. The contract is moot at this point.

So.... I'm on a mission. 90 days. today is day 2 (aren't I great) I'm here. I wrote.
For a deeper insight....I'll need to come back later or tomorrow.... my brain is going numb at the moment. 

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