Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Game play.

Today day 21.
played guitar
played piano, learning a Russian song!
doing stuff on script -- playing with logline -- really could do dialogue...- not sure where I'll go with it today.
maybe paint?
i have no freaking idea. and I love that.

I'm unsure what on earth or in the heavens I'm supposed to be doing, lol
I'm unsure of what 'new year resolutions' I should be aiming for.
Where do I want to go exactly?
Yeah, pay off debt is always on the list, so fuck that. I decided I don't want to pay
anything and just have it gone and be debt-free.
Do you know what the word 'pay' really means.....
here's some education....
it means to pacify, to appease, to bring peace, to sooth....
like coddling a baby.... to pay is only temporary until it's crying again.
No more paying!!!
No more obligations to commit my current-cy to a cause other than of my own choosing.
We will play a game....We will play with bills this time.
So instead of feng-shui-ing the house and stuff in it....we are going to feng-shui the bills.
Sounds fun, no?
Of course it does!!
I'll tell you how it goes once I get it set up and ready to play and we can keep track of everything that occurs as a result. This will be educational both in feng-shui antidotes and chakra balancing.
(maybe I can write a book on it later) We can call it Financial Feng-Shui

holy crap.... I just realized that the leak in the ceiling downstairs may have something to do with our financial leakage......wtf - WHY DON"T I EVER NOTICE THIS SHIT BEFORE I WRITE ABOUT IT  > --- <
That shit is getting fixed tomorrow. Along with a bunch of other things soon after. I'll make a list.

Anyway....my fingers kinda hurt. I'm going to go do .....eh....be.. something for awhile.
See  you tomorrow.

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