Friday, December 8, 2017

What's your Focal point?

So I'm experiencing some pain in my neck....
literately, lol.
on and off a few years actually...
but anyway...I ask one of my other worldly friends what's up with that.
They told me some obvious shit that should have been more obvious...
I could have prepared better.... or shall I say more intentionally had I realized...
Whatever...I'm over it. Time to recoup the lost time and deal with it now.

Working on clothes for my creature things.
Learning some new songs.
and just so you know it works.... I'm on level 22
let me tell you about that.
I used to have this issue about not being able to decide on something that I needed or wanted to do.
Should I ...A) go to the beach or...B) paint a picture...or C) finish these damn dresses...
My focus was all over the damn place and didn't really make any progress towards doing any of those things... even if I should (ha! 'should' fuck that word) or could...(haha! fuck that word too) or needed/wanted to.
So in an effort to direct focus I made a list of 6 things I felt excited about doing (and sometimes chores that must be done, like sewing orders, but I was excited to have them be done).
After I made the list (write it out! no do-overs! with a number beside each...)
I rolled a dice. One dice..which is called a die....but that''s a stupid name...I like dice, so we are going to use it here.
Whatever number it rolled on is the choice....of your focus.
Doesn't matter if the dice rolled into the notebook or onto the floor. re-rolls are only allowed if you can't see the number maybe cause it rolled under something unmovable, or it's tilted askew after stopping (no askew choices allowed, that's bad feng shui)
So if it rolled a 3 and number 3 on your list says go to the beach..... you fucking go to the beach.
Plan it, book it, mark the date and fucking go. (after marking the date, you can make a new list)
You should have realized the dangers I was placing myself in when I first started this.
My first list of 6 included a Nintendo Switch, trip to the beach, a bill paid off, a new water bottle, an SUV, and mulch for my trees....  I ended up getting to pay off a bill.
I didn't have to, but I also got a new water bottle and Teir a Nintendo Switch. Fuck yeah. This was when we were without normal income too, btw. Maybe, I might have had that crap job...
Then I made a new list (Level 2) ....--- now I have a 90% chance of completing whatever the hell I rolled in less than a week. only...maybe 3 took longer. and only 1 I had to redo altogether because it was way too fucking hot to do anything outside and I was tired of waiting.
I now also write in the date I make the list and roll, so I can keep track of how long it takes me.
I have 2 levels where I completed the task in 1 day. (quit job and clean downstairs, lol) on Level 22 and even though my list has gotten not so brave (like no SUV on my list recently)
I still manage to list scary things like finishing a tree book I'm writing and starting book 5 of Angel of MidKnight.
Try it out sometime. It's fun and I recommend listing things that 'feel' good, not stupid shit. Even if it's a trip to the beach, or Switzerland. DO IT.

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