Friday, January 19, 2018

A Whole in One.

Day 45  -  this is the half way point!

75%, maybe 80% doing well

Level 27 - I get to fix or replace the car.  yippee.

have a few things to run and do today...not even for myself....for the first-born
I'm also working on being whole....and maintaining a focused intent on attention.
yep. doing magic.

so there's this other one that showed up
which I knew was coming.....and now they are here.
that didn't take long....did I even get time to rest?
this would be the third
and they sent the rain....and now....
this is movement. flow. water. liquid.
Not like a scouring wash
this in pipes, through these newly formed tunnels.
I don't think this will be as harsh as the fire....
but there's a lot of work to do
there's a lot going to come through....
and we need to move it and let it flow without holding it back
without clogging the drain
without clinging
without damming the channels
don't let me drown.
don't let me drown.
time to water bend... and become a water-bender
this is naturally my forte.... but its been a long time
help me remember

I'm thinking I can write a script in ten days.
I had this weird thought....while meditating...
"Could I write it in 10 days?" and then it corrected me....
                "Will you write it in 10 days?"
I don't see why not... I am a jedi.
I'm wondering what else I could do that sounds crazy now.
oh wait...I can do anything....I remember.
deciding what that is on the other why I have that list...
and why I roll a dice to choose for me... makes it easier.
I'm working on getting the vehicle fixed or replaced....but if I would just
choose a 10 day allotment to commit, I could write the whole script....
Once I start...everything is easy.... the force takes over and I'm just there,
I don't actually do anything other than allow my hands/head/skills to comply to the universe.
Starting however....why does this seem so difficult?
It's certainly not.
Why do I try to analyze the reasons why I could/should start? How stupid.
Time to cut that shit out. eh.
....ain't nobody got time fo dat.
I will comply. I will not resist.
Tomorrow..... equals - script writing day 1 of 10...
and no, it doesn't count against me if I start tonight :P
I'm a rebel.


I liked that super dash 'do these things now so I won't have to do them later'
today's roster...not in any particular order....
1) watch my video
2) piano practice for those songs I learned but been too sick to play
3) paint that wall in the sewing room
4) dinner
5) visualize....meditation, baby. *thumbs up
....let's not go manifesting wrecks this time....

that's it....cause after that I'll start that script or watch more videos....
6) oh and watch a movie while painting....
7) plan something with kids this stuff

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