Friday, January 5, 2018

I will require a cabin in the trees....far far far far Palowan.

Day 31 -
this is the second leg of 90 days of writing this blog.
shouldn't be too hard. I like writing.
thinking of something to write on the other hand....

went to group meet up. It was okay
I'm appalled at the lack of skills people have playing pool.
I guess I was taught fairly early so it's just easy to me.
Of course...I haven't played in ....many years.
I will require a pool table.

Day 31 -
Financial Feng-shui.
ha ha haha HA HA
HA hahahahahaha
I will require money.

I was gone all I haven't done the Box challenge yet.
If I have time tomorrow I will do it.
But I get to do the chauffeur thing again.
With the truck. Car is still out-of-order

Book outline done...
the problem is it keeps going.... tying the pieces together is rather hard.
Not sure when I'll actually get to writing it.
I can start on the script too. I need to see if that little laptop will run Final Draft.
I might do Victory outline tonight depending on what is on my list.
That only requires a bundle of index cards and a pen. and some tacks.Check.

Haven't heard back from the inspector people, but they have to do the background check first.
They said up to 2 weeks. I'm in no hurry to go outside in the cold.

What is my background....according to the gov.
Random, mostly bare work history.
Paid taxes, but really just got a refund all the time, except once.
Nothing...notta, nil, zip.
Who is this person.

I'm magic. I'm the stars. The mountain filled with fire. The lightkeeper. The rain.
The alchemist. The bridge. I'm all things and none of them.
I speak to trees. and animals. and stars. and angels. and planets. and gods. and the darkness.
I'm the wind. You can't explain me or define me... do I even exist?
Light. Resonance. Frequency. Colors, hues, shades, the sun.
The song. The music. The tempo, beat and rhythm. Harmony. Movement.
I color like a child. My very good friend hangs around. I sing stupid tunes in my head as I color.
Everything is great. and amazing. Everything is funny. and amazing.
I know who I am on that side....
This side.....?
I know what my body does. What my head thinks. But none of this is me.
I know most of what is here is not even real.
Purpose? please.... I didn't come here to save the world. Let it burn.
I know why I came. As for the actual outcome of such venture, I kinda already know that too.
I'm hoping I will decide not to come again. But alas.....I know the answer to that too.
So for those people who want to know the future..... It's the same, only cooler.
Knowing the's really easy to disregard most of the bullshit you see/hear/etc.
Is really easy to look past people's faults, even if they really are idiots.
Actually....I still have a suspicion that some people are not really real. Like clones. Drones.
or 1 soul has split into different lives. It's a working theory.

Do you know who you are?

Know what really grinds my gears?  (that's people speak for irritating = not good)
People, namely one person just a second ago, giving too much attention to bullshit.
Does the light bulbs .....= throw them away.
You want to know what store I bought them clue, a long ass time ago....= throw them away.
Now your frustrated I don't know.....yes....= throw the fucking light bulbs away.
Still trying to solve the puzzle.....yes.....= give me the light bulbs, I will throw them away.

Stop making things hard. It doesn't have to be.
Nothing is hard! Ever!

Meaning of life..... to see yourself through it.


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