Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Scolded...maybe it should be scalded...?

Top of the morning to you...
yeah, okay then...you caught me,
it's 4:30 ish  --pm

Why didn't you prepare? They asked.
All those hints and reminders that kept entering your thoughts.
Did you think you could wait forever?
There's a reason they are there.....being there multiple times however...
means you need to prepare.
You already know this. Do you not?



So today is a new day. Not a 100% day...maybe 50%
Sleeping didn't quite work out. I kept dreaming about pirates all night. It sucked.
Then waking up to get comfortable....but we all know comfortable and sick doesn't go together well.
Then some weird ass 1 minute dream about the infinity symbol and the words Ongoing. But it looked more like this...OngOing with the two O's making the infinity symbol.
like this....
All I kept thinking in the dream was that this was not the Infinity logo (the people who make the cars)
that's this one....
it's a mountain.
in etymology....it means 'without end' - limitless

they make nice cars....maybe too nice for my tastes. I like rugged, although I'm not against having one. Comes with a nice $40k price tag....(pre-owned) A new 4runner is that much...sooo. If someone is willing to purchase one and gift it to me, that'd be great. Come pick me up, Toyota dealer is somewhere around here.

lesson number (who knows)
Listen to your intuition. Listen to those little things that keep popping up in your head. (unless they are bad, obviously) Otherwise....you'll get sick....and scolded. O_O

I'm not sure what is going on around here.
the car I think is getting fixed
the eldest is out with friends
youngest hanging with me, we are sick together, and on computer of course.
watched Bright on netflix
waiting for coffee
not hungry, but probably need food later, something
put Butter to bed (yes, literately just like a toddler)
maybe do those other things that need done....the easy ones that don't require much movement.
writing this blog....it's day 35
I paid some bills today
the cat/kitten... (Bane) decided wet toilet paper in the toilet would be a fun toy and brought pieces of it through the house. It was just blow your nose toilet paper....but wth. gross dude. I don't know what is wrong with him.
I'm hovering the edge of being slightly pissed off. Not for actual things that matter....but because I can't use amazon's selling portal to sell books because I don't have a fucking cell phone. Fuck you internet. I can't even get a bit coin. Fuck you internet. I can do ebay....but good luck making any money from that crap job. I like amazon, damn it.
hovering...because I don't really care.
Anyway. I'm waiting to hear back from the field inspector people...waiting for background check. I have this other one lined up right behind it, but I'm thinking I should go ahead and apply. Not sure how many orders I'll get in though. Will it be 1 or 200?? I don't do 'work' so 10 every other day is fine depending on where they are located. Having to do 30 a day is not. Unless it's only 1 day and close together. That'd be a good paycheck.
What else.....I forgot income taxes. Oh yeah...where's my w2 from that crap job? I'm ready to go, buddy. Me and TaxAct have a date. 
People paying their rent would be awesome too. Ya know...so I don't have to pay 2 mortgages. Then we all could get back to not being broke.
Hmmm.... I guess I will go scavenge for food of some sort.


It's breathing.
This mountain.
I feel you.
Whoever I am....isn't going to be who I am becoming.
I can feel her. And she is moving.
Let her come.

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