Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I don't need counciling... I need a stamp of approval!

Day 56

then rinsing.
Like a sponge that soaks up the water.
Then you wring it tight.
The water squeezes out.
Inhale - exhale
Cleansing out this sponge from it's filth
Making things clear.
Flowing without resistance.

Don't let your surplus of abundance go rotten.
Energy is meant to move and flow.
Not to contain and hold onto.
Or it will destroy you.

Watched IT today
Much better than the older version.

Kinda feeling .... lunar.
I'm sure it's the moon.
Even the bird was acting strange all day today
Like, he's a cockatoo, why is he being quiet?
Why is he hanging out inside his cage all day?
The door is open, yo.
This is not normal.

I'm just feeling blandish.
Like I'm waiting for something to happen.
Not quite sure really.
The world outside feels...
like sludge.
The world inside feels...
like a fountain preparing to get turned on
after a long winter.
I guess this lunar eclipse is calling something forth.
I'll just go with the flow.
That's what I'm good at.

I probably need to converse with my peeps
on the other side.
So I don't feel like I'm left out of being
'in the know'. Ya know?
Of course, they called council on me the other day.
Which is great that I'm getting attention and all,
but rather kinda scary, because I'm getting their attention.
I float between feeling recognized and being in trouble, lol.

Like when you get called to the principles office.
And you don't know why.
Are they congratulating me?
Or did they find out something I did they didn't like?
Like that time I skipped school in like 5th grade.
My friend and I went to the bus stop...
but the bus was taking too long.
So we decided to walk.
But got distracted on the way.
We found a kitten in the ditch. He was hurt.
We found a box.
We put the kitten in a box and set it on someone's
front porch. The house that looked like a nice
old lady may have lived at.
We rang the doorbell and ran off.
Then we headed towards school.
But yo, there was a ditch and walking the ditch sounded
way cooler than the road.
But it had a ton of water in it.
Not that that stopped us or anything.
We caught the back of a train too.
My friend was scared to ride it too far though.
Anyway, we eventually made it back to our neighborhood.
And her mom found us and picked us up.
She took us to the school.
Then we got scolded by the principle for
not being where we should have been. Lol!
Our punishment was to write the Constitution
10 times.
Do you know how long the Constitution is?
Anyway....I may have started to write it out, but
my friend said she 'wasn't gonna do it'
so neither did I.
Nothing else was ever mentioned about it.
I don't think the school even told my mom?
Did they?

Oh well.... hopefully the council will approve my request.
I'm not even sure where this 'council' even fits
into my theories of the other side.
Even I'm confused!!!
But it happened and well...
I'm just gonna flow with it.

I have to go pick up the oldest from work.
I'll see you chubby nutcrackers tomorrow!!
Love you all my little fruitcakes of society.

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