Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I think I talk too much about writing

Day 50!!!
That's a nice big round number.
It's like getting a high five just for being yourself.

I like this one too. It didn't take nearly as long as the dragon, but it looks quite fantastic, eh?

 Know what else I love....?
 My future relation-ship  v v v v v

maybe not such an aggressive tire...

So how is everyone doing? Are you happy? Excited?
I'm excited.
Today is day 5 of 10 of script writing.
I'm on page.... 75!!!! Boo-ya!
I'm only a few pages short of being perfectly lined up with the outline structure.
Awesome! Less work to do later.
I'm aiming for page 90 tonight.

I'm sure there are other things going on in the world, but right now I'm writing
so I really don't know what those things are.
I do know I have to take the oldest to their stuff tomorrow. Not sure what I'll do
to pass the time. ? ? Maybe think up a third animation movie. I kinda need 3 before
I hunt down an agent. I have ideas, but they seem too complicated to be made for
a younger crowd. --- Need box office type films, not strait to DVD hoopla.
It'll come to me.

The Fox Prince came about because of a different book title (The Prince of Foxes, never read it)
I had two ideas, but simply fell in love with the one I went with, so I went this direction with it.
I could always make the other one, but I'd need a new title. (It's a Disney worthy story though)
It's about two brothers.

Victory came about because of some tv show. Don't even know what it was, but
they gave their contestants like 5 or 6 words and they had to come up with a story
idea in like 5 hours to present to the judges. I came up with Victory (using their
5 or 6 words) during the commercial break. The contestants ideas all sucked. I wrote
a whole movie in my head in five minutes.
It'll need tweaked a bit when I start on the board for it, because it feels too little kid-ish.
I need to primal it up a bit, but not so much that kids cry or get scared.
There's a fox in it too, lol.

I'd like to see a movie about The Lion King prequel... like with Mufasa and Scar when they were cubs and what happened to destroy their relationship and make Scar so angry inside.
Problem is, how do you end that on a bad note?

I could gather up info on a dream someone had and make that into a movie. It's Studio Ghibli worthy. But it's not my story, it's theirs and they are sure to want a cut of the profits.
Same thing with ElfQuest...will someone please write a script for that! I want to watch it.

Otherwise I only have 2 horror flicks (like Final Destination type films)
One science fiction movie
and one television/netflix series.

there's no way to tell you what you'll find
no way to lead you through the brambles
no way to hold your hand in the darkness
no way to light your way on this journey

but I'll be there at the end
I'll hold the light for you
I'll carry your burdens
I'll catch your tears

your feet will have to walk alone
your dreams will grow slowly
your fears will slip away
your hopes will rise like the sun

and I'll be there when you finish
I'll be holding your heart
I'll welcome you back
I'll take your hand

let us become real
become alive
become like lightning
and strike out the pain
smother the darkness
and send the scavengers to flight
let us thrive
let us rise like fire
and carry ourselves home


Want to play a game?
This is a great game when other people are being stubborn.
It's called the Honesty Game.
1) Each person has to be completely honest
2) The other players can not show any kind of response to whatever is said.
3) Whoever shows a response loses.

Here's how it goes.
First, initiate the game by stating that you're playing the honesty game.
Rehearse the rules to make sure the other knows how to play
First player this...
 "To be completely honest, _________________________________" (fill in the blank)
 for example: and this is just an example that I could think of. I can't remember what we discussed the last time we played this game.
{{{ "To be completely honest, I don't think you are communicating on an adult level."
Second player can not respond in any angry, sad, whiny way, or they LOSE
Then second player goes...
 "To be completely honest, I can't help it if you don't understand what I'm saying."
first player can not respond in any way.
Then first player goes again (or third player if you have more)
 "To be completely honest, maybe we should take some time and communicate more."
then the other
 "To be completely honest, maybe we could do that if you weren't watching tv all day."
then sometimes other people join in, yeah, because this game gets really fun the longer you continue.
 "To be completely honest,  you both need a vacation away from me."
then someone else.
"To be completely honest, I'd take a vacation if I didn't have to spend so much money on you."
then ..
 "To be completely honest, you spend more money on yourself than them."
then "To be completely honest, actually you spend more money than all of us combined."
then. "To be completely honest, I wouldn't do that if I had someone to communicate with."}}}
It gets funny after awhile. Everyone laughs.

this lets you argue or vent your frustrations without any chance of a tantrum
or whoever does it LOSES!
It's actually kind of fun. Try it, tell me what you think.

Maybe tomorrow we'll go deep.
I think you can handle me taking you into the abyss.
It's dark, until you realize that darkness is just light moving faster or slower than you.
Come with me.
You'll lose something
But you'll also gain something
Do you accept?

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